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The match day experience ?

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I've been thinking a bit more about this. If there was a poor away support, the dedicated sections would be able to sing to each other, in particular the singers to the moaners.


"shall we have a moan for you, shall we have a moan for you..."


"two nil down and you still don't moan......"


"can you hear the moaners groan? No, no...."


"your support, your support, your support is :censored:ing encouraging............"


"you fat bastard, you fat bastard. ...." (sorry wrong section)



The moaners could have their own songs.


We are the :censored: of all Europe, the crap of the north

We moan about Smithy and Bouzy of course (and Wes)

We whine when at home, we don't go away

We're sad if the ga-ames are going our way


We're critical bastards, without any doubt

We are the negative boys....ta nah nah


And plenty more I'm sure.

I really need to do something more useful with my time, but given the option of being on here or lesson planning.... :mmm:

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The Lookers Paddock was awesome, got some great memories from there over the years. Getting a sun tan in August, and then getting piss wet through and freezing your bollox off for the rest of the season. Some quality banter and some real characters in there.


And I often wonder what happened to :censored: and Son Of :censored:, not seen them knocking about BP ranting about "Specsavers" and "brown envelopes" in years. Perhaps they finally moaned themselves to death.


Do you remember our weekly bet on how long it would take for it to be said? They killed it off by saying it 15 mins BEFORE kick off when we were playing the bindippers

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Doesn't something legal have to happen first?




Would this increase revenue? And as the proposed season ticket price was £240, why would anybody buy a season ticket?





They just ditched Teamcard because only 100 people used it.




Doesn't that overcomplicate a fairly simple set up?




A bit like Teamcards that nobody used.




Would this increase revenue?




(Not disagreeing with everything you've posted, just trying to see it through Corney's eyes)


Team Card was binned as it was costing the club too much money - from the horse's mouth.

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Team Card was binned as it was costing the club too much money - from the horse's mouth.


Cost v low take up.


Duffer all round.


And if you ever used it somewhere other than Latics (e.g. Currys, Specsavers etc) the staff didn't have a clue what to do with it!

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Make the rocky the home end. Put the chaddy enders in there and the vocal support would increase dramatically. The fans are voting with their feet. The creche might move to the main stand lower to do their goading. Double bubble.


I used to think that, but the Chaddy End against Liverpool and Everton changed my mind. I'd been going in the RRE for my fleeting visits for years before, but it was absolutely electric in the Chaddy. I can see why people love it still and don't want to move. Plus some of the diehards in there will never move.

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Is it not okay to be okay with they system currently in place?


I like the fact that people aren't willing to let go of the Chaddy even though I'm too young to know the days when it was terraced and electric.


And I like the fact that we have a decent stand, the RRE, that encourages a singing bunch to be vocal, no matter their choice of songs. In my opinion there's nothing worse than having the home singing fans on the other side of the pitch to the away fans cause any atmosphere is killed.


Yes we get moved from the RRE ever so often but I don't even care about that. Latics are making the most of the bad situation, the 3 stands, and a little bit of inconvenience doesn't bother me.


Once the new stand comes I'm sure we'll re-evaluate but for now I think the positioning of the home and away fans are fine. We've got more important things to worry about.

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I used to think that, but the Chaddy End against Liverpool and Everton changed my mind. I'd been going in the RRE for my fleeting visits for years before, but it was absolutely electric in the Chaddy. I can see why people love it still and don't want to move. Plus some of the diehards in there will never move.

I know there would be resistance from some quarters, tradition and segregation are the only reasons I can see for having it as the home end. Based on view, facilities and acoustics the Rocky wins hands down for me. I speak as someone who stood / sat in the Chaddy for decades.

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I know there would be resistance from some quarters, tradition and segregation are the only reasons I can see for having it as the home end. Based on view, facilities and acoustics the Rocky wins hands down for me. I speak as someone who stood / sat in the Chaddy for decades.


I used to swear by the Chaddy too when I went all the time, but then I thought the split of not many potentially singing fans was ludicrous - and that the RRE was the better option. Corney's mistake at the time was to ask the fans what they wanted. They wanted to remain split, but Corney wanted them to be together in the RRE. The moral of the story is never ask the fans what they want. I now reckon they should move everyone into the Chaddy end - and the new stand. Let the away fans have the whole RRE to spread out in.

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Smith's goal would have been immense whichever end it went in, but it was even better for the fact that it was down at the Chaddy. Had it been in front of the RRE it would have been amazing, but not the same.

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Smith's goal would have been immense whichever end it went in, but it was even better for the fact that it was down at the Chaddy. Had it been in front of the RRE it would have been amazing, but not the same.

Unless the RRE was the home end and the scousers were in the Chaddy.

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I used to swear by the Chaddy too when I went all the time, but then I thought the split of not many potentially singing fans was ludicrous - and that the RRE was the better option. Corney's mistake at the time was to ask the fans what they wanted. They wanted to remain split, but Corney wanted them to be together in the RRE. The moral of the story is never ask the fans what they want. I now reckon they should move everyone into the Chaddy end - and the new stand. Let the away fans have the whole RRE to spread out in.

Disagree here mr.tulsehill, as electric as you say the chaddy was v Liverpool/Everton.....only the fans in there actually hear the noise!

I also used to be a chaddy end regular in it's heyday, but that has long since passed.

RRE - better facilities and acoustics, it's a no brainer for me.

I don't think we'll all ever agree though, so we'll have to agree to disagree.

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