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Cheaper Tickets for the unemployed

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This idea of cheaper tickets for unemployed people has sparked a debate somewhat on the Latics facebook page, and i thought i would see what people on here thought about this idea.


At Bury, a normal adult match ticket is £19 - However an adult who is unemployed can get a ticket for just £12... is this wrong?


Personally, i think that this is a good initiative which allows those who maybe through no fault of their own are out of work, still afford to get to a game. It may also allow fans who have dropped away from Latics, because of unemployment and lack of money to come back again and may boost the money and attendance.


Of Course, it's all if's and but's - but, i think that we should trial this at Latics next season and see how it goes - it might be a smaller solution to a bigger problem, it won't solve it, but it might help.


Anyone else?

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I read the comments and it sounds like the same morons with "spoon-fed opinions" coming up with throwaway comments like "all unemployed people are bone-idle bla bla bla." we're in a rescession still (despite most of the world coming out of it) and most people who are unemployed actually don't intend to be


On the other hand an issue I would have is that a £7 reduction might be a bit too much, I think the way Bury see it is they are supporting some of it's supporters, some of which might be going through hard times. The only other case I think of this happening was I think Middlesbrough did it because one of the main employers in the area closed down which resulted in a huge drop in season ticket sales. What is the main employer in Oldham? The only way it should happen really is if something similar happened


Out of interest when Unemployment was at it's worse in the early 80s how did it affect our crowds? I know my Dad didn't attend for quite a number of years

Edited by Tommy_Fent
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As someone who is unemployed it would be hugely beneficial for me. As it stands it currently costs me 8.50 in bus fare to attend games and factor in the £19 for a ticket, it's just something I can't afford. I get £142 a fortnight to live feed n cloth myself, after I pay bills I'm left with just £52 per month to live feed and cloth myself. Anyone that says living on benefits is easy doesn't know how hard it is.


All the talk of making us work, I'd honestly shovel :censored: for a living if it meant I had a full time job and earns a decent wage

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IIRC Bury offered cheap tickets for the unemployed pre 2008. They used to offer cheap tickets for the armed services too (may still do but it isn't mentioned). They don't appear to offer student discounts though, which given the proximity and ease of travel from one of the biggest student cities in the country is a big surprise.


Their cheap tickets for OAPs start at 65 too which I know isn't all that popular. It's not the way I'd run the discount tickets, but then again I'm biased. We could try running the unemployed discount but I'd rather we stopped messing about the students first.

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Anything that gets people back in to cheer the boys on is worth a go. I read a lot on here about people who can not make games because of the cost and if the club could help out with that then I think they should. Letting unemployed people in for less wont affect the running costs of the ground so surely its only of benefit.

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I read the comments and it sounds like the same morons with "spoon-fed opinions" coming up with throwaway comments like "all unemployed people are bone-idle bla bla bla." we're in a rescession still (despite most of the world coming out of it) and most people who are unemployed actually don't intend to be



As this is a left wing forum, we should get a different set of views.

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That's a hell of a lot for someone on between 50-70 pounds a week to afford.


...and that's just it. On that amount there are better things to spend the money on, I think watching a live event is a bit of a luxury.


There should be no concessions for the unemployed.

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I work with unemployed vulnerable adults in Oldham. There's a fair few who are tics and I've often wondered if the club would donate any tickets. Never asked the question like. They don't have a chance of going. Once food gas and electric if there lucky has been bought there's nothing left.

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...and that's just it. On that amount there are better things to spend the money on, I think watching a live event is a bit of a luxury.


There should be no concessions for the unemployed.


Bet you just put the Daily Mail down to write that comment. ;-)

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I work with unemployed vulnerable adults in Oldham. There's a fair few who are tics and I've often wondered if the club would donate any tickets. Never asked the question like. They don't have a chance of going. Once food gas and electric if there lucky has been bought there's nothing left.

Would they qualify for ambulent disabled? As the carer gets in cheap/free as well as it being cheaper than usual for the ambulent disabled person.

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...and that's just it. On that amount there are better things to spend the money on, I think watching a live event is a bit of a luxury.


There should be no concessions for the unemployed.


Maybe the middle-ground would be to discount one home game in every four..that way, the unemployed who cannot attend games, are not tempted to spend too much on the "luxury" of a live event. Not all unemployed people smoke and drink, etc., so the occasional game would be something to look forward to.

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Anything that gets people back in to cheer the boys on is worth a go. I read a lot on here about people who can not make games because of the cost and if the club could help out with that then I think they should. Letting unemployed people in for less wont affect the running costs of the ground so surely its only of benefit.

I agree. The seats would be empty anyway.

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I disagree with making every game cheaper for the unemployed....one ever 4-5 maybe but definatly not a permanent thing


I currently work two jobs and 60 hours a week to ensure I can cover all my bills, mortgage and still have some luxury (although BP is not really a luxury at the moment!) and i genuinely don't think its fair to those that do. This is not a go at any unemployed people - I understand there are those that want to work but they have to realise that there are plenty that don't and this is what gives the unemployed a bad name - and it annoys me when they're 'rewarded' as such.


This is not a political debate so i won't get started on what i think about some unemployed folk!

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People could have got a free ticket on Monday if they had got up and helped take the covers off the pitch. Massive incentive there already if you want to watch a free game of football.

This is the approach I'd take. Offer unemployed fans the opportunity to do a bit of voluntary work for the club on a matchday - shovelling snow, working the turnstile, selling programmes or strike it lucky tickets and let them into the game for free. The club gets cheap labour and the fans in question get free entry and a bit of voluntary work on their CV.
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People could have got a free ticket on Monday if they had got up and helped take the covers off the pitch. Massive incentive there already if you want to watch a free game of football.


^This 100% I agree with. The club are offering a bit of give or take here, I cant imagine it takes longer than 2 hours if there is a few of you to remove the covers which is effectivley tax free £10 an hour.


On the basis you can get to the ground of course but people manage to do it when a game is on so if you want it bad enough you can get there

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^This 100% I agree with. The club are offering a bit of give or take here, I cant imagine it takes longer than 2 hours if there is a few of you to remove the covers which is effectivley tax free £10 an hour.


On the basis you can get to the ground of course but people manage to do it when a game is on so if you want it bad enough you can get there


I walked from Failsworth and back again!

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This is the approach I'd take. Offer unemployed fans the opportunity to do a bit of voluntary work for the club on a matchday - shovelling snow, working the turnstile, selling programmes or strike it lucky tickets and let them into the game for free. The club gets cheap labour and the fans in question get free entry and a bit of voluntary work on their CV.


If the people aren't doing it freely and they expect something in return, its not volunteering and takes the club into acting as their employer. From the individuals point of view, they could potentially lose any support/benefits they are recieving.

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