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Thatcher...And the minute's silence


219 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Latics hold a minute's silence for Maggie

    • Yes
    • No

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I still can't understand why we had a minutes silence for the kids that were murdered in Soham. I get that football crowds are one of the only times that large numbers of people gather but I don't see why people not connected with the club or with the sport have a minutes silence.


Thinking about it, didn't we have one for the tsunami? Didn't understand that one either. I'm all for one at the game near 11/11 for Remembrance day, ex players that made a significant contribution to the club, long standing fans and people with genuine connections to the club but too often there are silences for no good reason.

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I voted no even though I admired the woman and still do. Brought up in by working class parents we fought and worked hard for everything they got and that instilled it in me to do the same aswell. Maggie came along when I started work and her beleifs were mine.


She hated football, she hated everything about it, remember she was PM in the 80's when football violence was at its worst ie Liverpool fans bringing the game and our country down at Hysel, you couldnt go the match without someone trying to kick your head in and I''m a girl!!! she wanted it stopped and she nearly got her way, probalby one of the only fights she lost.


So no, no minutes silence she wouldnt have wanted it anyway.



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I'm not sure she hated football, she just didn't "get" sport at all. You could probably lay the crusade against "football hooliganism" at the door of the various old school Tories surrounding her who saw football as the yobbish pursuit of the working class.

Edited by garcon
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I'm not sure she hated football, she just didn't "get" sport at all. You could probably lay the crusade against "football hooliganism" at the door of the various old school Tories surrounding her who saw football as the yobbish pursuit of the working class.


Colin :censored:ing Moynihan.

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I voted no even though I admired the woman and still do. Brought up in by working class parents we fought and worked hard for everything they got and that instilled it in me to do the same aswell. Maggie came along when I started work and her beleifs were mine.


She hated football, she hated everything about it, remember she was PM in the 80's when football violence was at its worst ie Liverpool fans bringing the game and our country down at Hysel, you couldnt go the match without someone trying to kick your head in and I''m a girl!!! she wanted it stopped and she nearly got her way, probalby one of the only fights she lost.


So no, no minutes silence she wouldnt have wanted it anyway.




I'd take issue that she was truly working class - her upbringing was fairly austere but that was mainly down to her parents beliefs, the war and the period of austerity after the war. The fact she was supposedly working class and is often trumpeted, yet her father was a local businessman - a greengrocer and postmaster, he was also involved in local politics and served as Mayor of Grantham. Maggie went to the local Grammar School and was able to go off and study at Oxford, hardly your bog standard working class girl of the time. After Graduation, there wasn't many working class girls working as research chemists and able to study law in their spare time either.

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Colin :censored:ing Moynihan.


My quote 'Miniature for Sport'in my earlier post was stolen from one of Big Joe's many programme note tangents of the time, he wasn't adverse to giving his forthright opinions on any topic during his tenure, from The Chron bad mouthing him, to Maggie, to the Gulf War to perhaps placing a traffic cone at the centre of the Union Flag…..

Edited by oafcprozac
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'The broad thrust of the report is devastating criticism of the police. Is that for us to welcome?'


And for that reason, I think football fans as a whole should not be asked to have a minutes silence for her.


If you want to mourn for her, there is a state funeral on Wednesday.

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I was only two when she left office, don't know much about politics and, quite frankly, don't give a :censored:. But let's remember that this is a human being we are talking about.


Barely. :censored: her, thankfully she's dead so it doesn't matter if there is or there isn't a minutes silence.

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Maggie went to the local Grammar School

Just a little niggle, but so did both of my parents, both of who grew up in council housing. It was actually a route whereby people from less well off backgrounds but with ability could get on in life. I know Mrs T wasn't poor, very much aspirational lower middle class in origin I would say.
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Just a little niggle, but so did both of my parents, both of who grew up in council housing. It was actually a route whereby people from less well off backgrounds but with ability could get on in life. I know Mrs T wasn't poor, very much aspirational lower middle class in origin I would say.

My Dad grew up in a council house, my Grandad was the local doctor and my Dad went to the local Grammar School. Think Maggie Thatcher may have grown up in a council house too for a period. To say her education shows she was posh is a bit of a misnomer. Baroness Thatcher's education showed she was clever, that is all.

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I was brought up in a house that regarded Margerat Thatcher as a swear word. My Dad was made redundant by Thatchers provatisation twice. Its clear that she alientated alot of people and pretty much divided Britain between the have's and have nots her opinion of Football fans seems to be one of distain, to treat them like animals and they duely acted like them a football macth would be inappropriate place to comemorate this individual and the poll reflects this.


However I find some of the things I've heard this week quite disturbing this week cases of street parties people making slightly victriolic statements on the social media and the fact that ding dong the witch is dead could go to number one. Seriously this is someones mother and grandmother and who was a democratically elected leader of this country. We are not talking about Kim Jon Il.


Plus there comes to a point where you have to let things go she's not been in office for over 20years and as Nelson Mandela once said “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”

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I remember following the coverage of the Falklands conflict quite avidly as a 10 year old, it was this that made my mind up where and what I wanted to do later on in life, the stories that I was told when I did enlist by those from mining communities was quite saddening to hear, I'll never forget them. As recent as a fortnight ago I pass through a mining community in Derbyshire- Clipstone, due east of Mansfield: the pit entrance is still clearly visible, it really does make you think.....you look at people, especially those older than myself and wonder what they think when they go about their daily business whilst the pit entrance still stands and what will become of it, maybe even more so now that the Iron Lady has passed away...


Edit: At 12 years of age I thought Arthur Scargill was a gob:censored:e, 28 years later and I'm still in the same opinion.

Edited by tangerinedreams
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Being only really young when Thatcher was in office i have no real say on how her policies at the time affected me. However I've read a lot of the stuff that's come out since her death and the foreign affairs have alarmed me more than the domestic ones (although those were bad enough by all accounts). She was someone by all accounts who was happy to side with some very shady individuals abroad, brutal dictators among them, and even stood with the South African apartheid regime!


:censored: her. I don't buy all this nonsense that we shouldn't bad mouth her now she's gone. Privately I'm sure she'll get the send off she deserves as the human being she was to those close to her but publically she deserves to get mullered by those who righlty think she was a :censored: for the havoc she caused and the way she conducted herself.

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However I find some of the things I've heard this week quite disturbing this week cases of street parties people making slightly victriolic statements on the social media and the fact that ding dong the witch is dead could go to number one.


Think someone on Twitter made an excellent point this week: An old chap in Mansfield raising a pint to celebrate her dying I'm cool with. A :censored:ing 20-year old :censored: putting the windows through in Brixton Barnardos? :censored: off.

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Hands up who would pay, maybe, 5-10% of their salary to pay for the restarting of deep mined CO2 emitting coal and making rubbish low grade steel in Sheffield.




Where are you brothers?


5-10% like Joe Public baled the banks out but get :censored: all in return?! Nice idea but funding should come from the bank IMO. In reality Andy the raw mats are there and should be exploited, just not through my salary.

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Think someone on Twitter made an excellent point this week: An old chap in Mansfield raising a pint to celebrate her dying I'm cool with. A :censored:ing 20-year old :censored: putting the windows through in Brixton Barnardos? :censored: off.


If there's one thing that winds me up its :censored: like that 20 year old!

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