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Right L J now you have completed phase one by keeping us up . Phase 2 , stamp your own authority on this club . It's rotten from the top and it needs you to be strong enough to rip it apart and start again . I would like to see us finish top 10 and a wembley appearance in Johnstone paint trophy next season but the very least I want to see progress . Oh and by the way it wil be YOUR team next term and the knives will be out if it doesn't work out straight away. Good luck

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Right L J now you have completed phase one by keeping us up . Phase 2 , stamp your own authority on this club . It's rotten from the top and it needs you to be strong enough to rip it apart and start again . I would like to see us finish top 10 and a wembley appearance in Johnstone paint trophy next season but the very least I want to see progress . Oh and by the way it wil be YOUR team next term and the knives will be out if it doesn't work out straight away. Good luck


Nowt like showing a bit of appreciation for keeping the Club up

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What a load of crap some people post on this forum.

Just how is this club rotten from the top down? We have a chairman who has appointed a refreshing new manager not just one of the old boys on the gravy train-a very brave decision given our league position at the time. He is always willing to step up to the media and if you actually listened to what he has to say you have to be impressed. There is a new stand on the way, we have a few good youngsters starting to come thru the ranks. We have people like Tony Philliskirk who did a great job under difficult circumstances, we have a board member who posts on this website regularly. Jesus Wept clubs like Bury, Stockport and Rochdale would love to be in our position.


It really does make me question what some supporters want, of course we would like a Wembley appearance but so would 91 other clubs, at least we had a FA cup run this year.


Pure Elvis-pah Pure Bollocks more like.

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Actually I am on Lj side and rotten from top down means corney cut budget , appointed crap managers from day one, demolished a stand not replaced yet, Christ almighty a couple if wins and he is saviour, two months ago there was anarchy re johnsons appointment .people soon forget what corney hasnt done for us. A lick of paint on chaddy roof wouldn't go a miss. Not trolling just giving a view . I did say good luck to L J on my post I just know from bitter experience that so called supporters wil be after him if he doesn't win games straight away. I was being realistic with top ten finish and wembley final that was taken away from us last season. not coming out with bull:censored: like we can go up. Can't wait to see how corney will spend our fa cup money and Micah money if he goes . Some people are touchy . Enjoy your night and celebrate we stayed up . In L J we trust ...

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Actually I am on Lj side and rotten from top down means corney cut budget , appointed crap managers from day one, demolished a stand not replaced yet, Christ almighty a couple if wins and he is saviour, two months ago there was anarchy re johnsons appointment .people soon forget what corney hasnt done for us. A lick of paint on chaddy roof wouldn't go a miss. Not trolling just giving a view . I did say good luck to L J on my post I just know from bitter experience that so called supporters wil be after him if he doesn't win games straight away. I was being realistic with top ten finish and wembley final that was taken away from us last season. not coming out with bull:censored: like we can go up. Can't wait to see how corney will spend our fa cup money and Micah money if he goes . Some people are touchy . Enjoy your night and celebrate we stayed up . In L J we trust ...


The fact Dickov got three years and "dickov out" was very rarely, if ever shouted makes this post bollocks

Edited by philliggi
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Actually I am on Lj side and rotten from top down means corney cut budget , appointed crap managers from day one, demolished a stand not replaced yet, Christ almighty a couple if wins and he is saviour, two months ago there was anarchy re johnsons appointment .people soon forget what corney hasnt done for us. A lick of paint on chaddy roof wouldn't go a miss. Not trolling just giving a view . I did say good luck to L J on my post I just know from bitter experience that so called supporters wil be after him if he doesn't win games straight away. I was being realistic with top ten finish and wembley final that was taken away from us last season. not coming out with bull:censored: like we can go up. Can't wait to see how corney will spend our fa cup money and Micah money if he goes . Some people are touchy . Enjoy your night and celebrate we stayed up . In L J we trust ...


“This year, our budget is up on what it was the previous two seasons." http://www.oldham-chronicle.co.uk/news-features/10/oldham-athletic/78661/mind-games


Appointed crap managers from day one - How many people disagreed with the manager's when we appointed them at the time? Only exception is Johnson this season, and he looks to be doing alright so far.


Demolished stand and not replaced it yet - Credit crunch cancelled the first one, alternative plans made for Failsworth which we was then told we couldn't build on despite assurances from the council, and now we've got planning permission for a stand which we should be up by end of next season..

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two months ago there was anarchy re johnsons appointment .people soon forget what corney hasnt done for us...


Erm...who appointed Johnson?


I can understand people not liking Corney if they've had face-to-face dealings with him and formed an opinion, but on paper he's done a good (not great) job in a pretty difficult situation. Also all of Corney's appointment made sense at the time, arguably apart from LJ!


Want a rotten club? Just look at what's going on at Blackburn and Bury.

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Actually I am on Lj side and rotten from top down means corney cut budget , appointed crap managers from day one, demolished a stand not replaced yet, Christ almighty a couple if wins and he is saviour, two months ago there was anarchy re johnsons appointment .people soon forget what corney hasnt done for us. A lick of paint on chaddy roof wouldn't go a miss. Not trolling just giving a view . I did say good luck to L J on my post I just know from bitter experience that so called supporters wil be after him if he doesn't win games straight away. I was being realistic with top ten finish and wembley final that was taken away from us last season. not coming out with bull:censored: like we can go up. Can't wait to see how corney will spend our fa cup money and Micah money if he goes . Some people are touchy . Enjoy your night and celebrate we stayed up . In L J we trust ...

Anarchy? More reasoned debate from most. Appointed crap managers? So have most lower league chairmen in the hopes of finding the right one. Demolished a new stand? Which has just been granted planning permission to be re-built. A lick of paint on the Chaddy roof? to be completed this summer. You sir are being a tad unreasonable.

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Johnsons only been in job 5 minutes


does that make him a crap appointment?


for me, every manager we appoint is a potential god until he proves otherwise. Im finding LJ's appointment quite refreshing. chill out, we have a clean slate and a bright-ish future. enjoy it

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