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A fans representative should be representing the fans.


All I can see is finger pointing and blame shifting.


There should be a shared responsibility for the incident.


Fans shouldn't have gone on, that's a given... Some cock shouldn't have taken the corner flag...


But a big issue is the lack of stewarding for the final game to prevent such an occurance - the club know that people will run on, and from 85 minutes you knew that if a goal was scored, people would invade the pitch - yet there was a distinct lack of stewards to deal with an obvious problem.


Happy Days that we didn't get fined, but the club should learn from this and take on board for next seasons last home game and as others have said, if we go up, damn right i'll be running on - sod any fines.

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It is also the case that we have a responsibility to ensure that other fans get to see the game in a pleasant atmosphere. That did not occur for many last year due to the conduct of many kids.

I've seen plenty of adults conduct themselves in a manner that impacts on others at BP too, Barry. If there is a problem with behaviour, on a week-to-week basis, then the club needs to take some responsibility and address the issue through making improvements to the stewarding. The solution is not to take a broad brush approach of stopping certain sections of the support from attending.

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Stones and glass houses!


The club advertised on the OS that it was selling away fans tickets in the home ends for the big cup games this season, as a result there were disturbances and punches thrown between adults. It could have been much worse than it was. This was worse than a few kids running the pitch...

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Pointless of we have :censored: all to celebrate IMO.


I agree, to an extent - the one after the Yeovil game was bizarre.

M'Voto's winner to keep us up for definite didn't compel me to run on but I can understand those who did.


End of the last home game of the season is tradition.

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Stones and glass houses!


The club advertised on the OS that it was selling away fans tickets in the home ends for the big cup games this season, as a result there were disturbances and punches thrown between adults. It could have been much worse than it was. This was worse than a few kids running the pitch...





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I'm not having that. Further up the leagues you go it might be the case, however further down the leagues the more it resembles the spectator sport I remember from the seventies and eighties. For better or worse, that's up to you to decide. I have my football mojo back recently, after many-many years of not being arsed about it, and I have to thank non-league football for that.


I think there is some truth to it... But of course it's to a much lesser degree...


Glad to hear you have your mojo back. I am still some way off.

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Unelected, unchallenged, fans rep, just about sums it up.


Trouble is, it's all good shouting off on here about it but there's nobody that can be arsed to step up and have a go.


If you want to change it, do something about it.

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Guest Scratch2000uk

Trouble is, it's all good shouting off on here about it but there's nobody that can be arsed to step up and have a go.


If you want to change it, do something about it.


It's all cloak and dagger nods and winks innit? I'm sure there's some people on here with far better credentials,ability, and enthusiasm than i ever will have Rummy. :grin:

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Trouble is, it's all good shouting off on here about it but there's nobody that can be arsed to step up and have a go.


If you want to change it, do something about it.


Why don't we turn to Marxism and overthrow the elitist powers of Barry and Simon.


I do think a change now and again would help to freshen up relations though, there is now a them and us culture between those in the boardroom (Barry included) and then the fans.


Barry has tried to narrow the margin between the two, with his posts on here, but then he's lambasted by others - not a working relationship what-so-ever.

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If Barry came on here and said there'd be free admission to every game there would be some responses that had a go at him/SC.

I'm afraid that some people have taken entrenched positions - no doubt believing they have sound reasons- and they aren't going to change.

Barry is the Trust representative I believe and if people want him off the Board they can join the Trust and make it happen. But it appears this avenue of action is eschewed in favour of a mix of personal abuse/positive and negative criticism/ moaning.


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No Pete being a member of the Trust doesn't give you a voice, only Trust Directors invited onto the Trust Board by other Trust Directors can challenge Barry's position by way of a ballot amongst the Trust Directorship only.


The system was flawed from the start and this is why the Trust IMO is a lame duck and has been for years. Sorry if that pisses a few people off but that is my opinion and i know one or two work hard for the club but the Trust is the minority when in reality given people's misgivings re: the intentions of the owners over the last few years should have been getting stronger. Instead it has withered away into the background. An odd function here and there has done little to promote membership.


The Trust IMO should be hell bent on fundraising to kit and fit the new supporters bar out in the new stand - do something tangible that all fans can appreciate.


Building the stand is one issue, fitting the bugger out is another....

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I've been asked many times to get involved, but don't see the present model as workable.


I have even been asked by club officials to get more hands on, I did suggest making the position of fans' liasion officer a more visible and pro-active one I would have considered taking on the role but was told the club already had one!? The club need someone not to talk down to fans but to speak to them on their level(s) to go into the pubs Pre and post match to have a one stop contact where issues affecting the fans can be vented.


Sadly there seems little desire for this to happen and we plod along with different factions in the fanbase. The fans have been fractured and are pulling in different directions that's not good should the :censored: hit the fan again.... The trust is 10 years old this year, what progress has it truly made?

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The issue I have at present is many at the club look at the fans with disdain, fans are tolerated but too often we are criticised by the very people that have the begging bowls out time and again and I for one am sick of it. We're labelled as :censored: fans time and again yet after what we have endured in the last 19 years I reckon we have some of the most committed, loyal and tolerant fans around.

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I messaged Barry on here with regards to the new shirt situation (which didn't affect me directly but I felt was worth raising) and to his credit he messaged me back very quickly. However, after a few messages back and forth the long and short of it was, in my opinion, an elaborate way of saying 'tough :censored:' and that I was in a minority of fans who were aggrieved at what had happened. I did ask whether he fought the fans' corner on the issue and the silence on the issue was deafening.


I do not doubt he takes his role seriously but I remain of the opinion that we have a board's representative to the fans and not a fans' representative on the board.

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I have even been asked by club officials to get more hands on, I did suggest making the position of fans' liasion officer a more visible and pro-active one I would have considered taking on the role but was told the club already had one!?


Anyone know who that is?


Edit: Just seen on the fishal, it's Jenny Warburton.

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