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If I went on Saturday kitchen the first job would be to pick up the heaviest frying pan and smash it straight in James :censored: Martins face.


I upboated this not because I think ill of James Martin particularly (although his electric spice/coffee grinder is a bit :censored:), but because I can't help but admire that standard of pent-up anger.

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If I went on Saturday kitchen the first job would be to pick up the heaviest frying pan and smash it straight in James :censored: Martins face.

I have less angst with James Martin, as he was bought upas real chef, and at least had a go at a realistic professioally costed Hospital menu.


Gregg Wallace, Gary Rhodes, Lloyd Grossman, John Burton-Race and Rick Stein, you can frigging whack with the frying pan, if I can shove their hands under the salamander.

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Simon was on business abroad. Ticket prices out next week.



Thanx barry. Lj also spoke about negativity (as dit tp) it a huge thing to have a positive athmosphere like we get st away games. But if you call someone :censored: rvery week, chances are they will become :censored:. Not good to get at the players if it isn't going our way at ht

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Just Google "James Martin cyclists".


The moral outrage from the "cycling community" (whatever the :censored: that is) was absolutely hilarious. Anyone would think he'd run down a whole peleton and cooked them for dinner in a nice casserole.

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He said in asn interview that he drove down a lane in a sports car where he came upon a chaingang (group of cyclists). Increased his speed and drove past them closely causing them to fall into the hedges at the side of the road. He thought it was hilarious, and laughed hysterically as he saw them in his rear-view mirror.


He later apologised after the reaction that he got.

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He was driving a Tesla at the time, which is electrically powered, meaning he was able to use the element of SURPRISE! :grin:


A silly thing to do, an even sillier thing to write about in your Sunday newspaper column, but the reaction was outright hysterical.


Poor cyclists - it's a good job they're all so pure and morally superior. God forbid that a cyclist should ever break the rules of the road.....

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As one who cycles over 6,000 miles a year on a bike that's worth more than some cars, I don't consider myself to be pure and morally superior, just someone who sticks to the rules of the road, and treats other road users with respect and courtesy. A lot of the rides are through country lanes here in Cornwall and over the bridge in Devon, and I've never had a problem with anyone when riding through there.


It's a shame that once again prejudice and ignorance rears its head yet again when cyclists are mentioned, I await the not stopping at lights, have insurance, don't pay road tax, use (usually badly planned and useless) cycle lanes, lycra louts, blah, blah bloody blah.


The problem with testosterone-fuelleed tossers like Martin is that they take the morally superior high-ground, get out of my way, :censored: coming through at speed.


It works both ways.

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My comments were a little tongue in cheek. Have every respect for those who cycle lots, do so legally and don't turn it into some kind of moral crusade. The likes of you and I would, and do, share the road in perfect harmony. You have a lovely part of the world in which to cycle too.


It's the cyclists who cycle through red lights, cycle on pavements, cycle three abreast wilfully obstructing traffic and generally seem intent on getting themselves killed that I can't abide. They're especially common in London (the only place I've ever actually assaulted a cyclist).


Oh, and the ones who go on radio phone ins (a sure sign that anyone is a nutter). There was an item about the number of cyclists dying in collisions with large, particularly articulated, trucks. Calls to ban such trucks from city streets. Now I know there may be unavoidable cases, but I couldn't help but think - the cyclist is a squidgy little vulnerable human on an exposed and unstable bike, the truck is a hulking great 30 ton lump of lumbering metal that takes up vast amounts of space, especially when it's turning. What part of STAY THE :censored:ETY :censored: OUT OF ITS WAY is so difficult?

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Like most adult cyclists I also drive and in previous jobs I have done very high mileage. There are pricks on bikes and similarly behind the wheel. Someone who deliberately sneaks up on cyclists in an electric car and drives them off the road belongs in the c box. I sm upgrading from melon baller in my earlier post on this thread to cast iron griddle. Yorkshire :censored:.

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He was driving a Tesla at the time, which is electrically powered, meaning he was able to use the element of SURPRISE! :grin:


A silly thing to do, an even sillier thing to write about in your Sunday newspaper column, but the reaction was outright hysterical.


Poor cyclists - it's a good job they're all so pure and morally superior. God forbid that a cyclist should ever break the rules of the road.....

No we are all not pure or morally superior, we are road users. There are cyclists that ride without due care and attention as there are car drivers that do the same. As a adult member of a cycling club that educates the younger age kids on road safety and respect for other road users, I find it unacceptable that car drivers find cyclists fair game to harass and abuse whilst sharing the same road. Try telling a 12 year old kid that being spat at whilst riding your bike on the road by some moronic passenger in a car is what you should expect. If twats like James Martin are a model of society god save us all.

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No we are all not pure or morally superior, we are road users. There are cyclists that ride without due care and attention as there are car drivers that do the same. As a adult member of a cycling club that educates the younger age kids on road safety and respect for other road users, I find it unacceptable that car drivers find cyclists fair game to harass and abuse whilst sharing the same road. Try telling a 12 year old kid that being spat at whilst riding your bike on the road by some moronic passenger in a car is what you should expect. If twats like James Martin are a model of society god save us all.

I just found it amusing that this post including a passenger spitting was upboated by flemboy, guilt?

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