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Season ticket Froze

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The fact is nobody would be arsed about the prices if it wasn't for SC and that video being leaked.

I think we both know that's not true. Somebody was moaning about calling a shade of white "unique" on here the other day....

EDIT: I made a Grammar mistake, I'm surprised you didn't all slaughter me :OASISscarf:

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I think the fact that the price is the same as 6 years ago is something the club should be applauded for. Can you think of ANY other leisure activity that hasn't increased it's prices for such a timescale??


I can't believe people are whinging at £13 a game. I really can't.


I haven't had a ST for the last three years but now my girls are getting into it a little more, I'll probably take one for me and a couple for them as well.


I think ticket prices for the game in general are five times above the rate of inflation but if the club were to take a stance and lower the prices we'd have to either

A - reduce the playing budget

B - make a loss

Like Oh-Heck-CBeck said, you've got to see these things from a Business point of view

Edited by Tommy_Fent
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I think ticket prices for the game in general are five times above the rate of inflation but if the club were to take a stance and lower the prices we'd have to either

A - reduce the playing budget

B - make a loss

Like Oh-Heck-CBeck said, you've got to see these things from a Business point of view


I think ticket prices for the game in general are five times above the rate of inflation.......


What does that mean?


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can't complain for the same prices for 6 years. the product hasn't improved so the price has stayed, sensible decision.


I won't be renewing because hopefully I'll be off to uni, but I might persuade my dad to get one and take his shirt discount to represent Latics wherever I end up.


The club really need to publicise the whole deal. Remind people of the cup run and let them know!

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Also on another thread people are complaining that the playing budget is going down, well without ST prices increasing of course it will.


We can't have it both ways!

Exactly the pint I was going to make.

I wonder if the people that uproared about redcution in budget are the same that are complaining about a seaon ticket price freeze.


It is a net reduction when increased operating costs (eg utilities) and therefore a net redcution in playing budget.

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I think the fact that the price is the same as 6 years ago is something the club should be applauded for. Can you think of ANY other leisure activity that hasn't increased it's prices for such a timescale??


I can't believe people are whinging at £13 a game. I really can't.


I haven't had a ST for the last three years but now my girls are getting into it a little more, I'll probably take one for me and a couple for them as well.


No inflation increases for 6 years is pretty good going.


I've missed more games this season on my ST than any other recent season; and it hasnt worked out finacially per game for me.


But - i'm like 70+% certain i'll be renewing again, especially after staying in League One and with the positivity of LJ being incharge next season.

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FTFY the fact that this seasons shirt was regularly advertised as being 2012/14 home shirt (ie including next season) enhances how amateurish the club is. Furthermore, it probably breaches trading standards regulations. Whilst I'm not going to complain to that level I wouldn't be surprised if someone did.


Also as we are having a new shirt it seems quite late to launch it.


Pretty sure they just mean a new (unworn) shirt rather than a new design.

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Exactly the pint I was going to make.

I wonder if the people that uproared about redcution in budget are the same that are complaining about a seaon ticket price freeze.


It is a net reduction when increased operating costs (eg utilities) and therefore a net redcution in playing budget.


The club got more than enough bonus income last season to subsidise ST's a little for one season.


But it always disappears down that mystery black hole, the one Stotty installed in the early 90's.

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I will certainly be renewing but my only qualm is why say 'were preparing something special' if you aint gunna deliver


"I've never seen you look like this without a reason,

Another promise fallen through, another season passes by you.

I never took the smile away from anybody's face,

And that's a desperate way to look for someone who is still a child....



...(I thought that pain and truth were things that really mattered

But you can't stay here with every single hope you had shattered)"


Chorus omitted so you can play guess the song! (I'm renewing my ST by the way

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Consumer Price Index has risen 25.6% in the 6 years.

ie the £308 Season Ticket would now have to be £411 to keep pace.


For the RPI Index specifically for Sporting Service

D7FH 09.4.1 Recreational and sporting services

It has gone up 17.6 that would lead to a price of £385 even within that specific sector


I understand we have approx 3,000 ticket holders per season (happy to amend with more accurate figures


That is over £300,000 lost revenue over the 6 years.

Edited by singe
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The club got more than enough bonus income last season to subsidise ST's a little for one season.


But it always disappears down that mystery black hole, the one Stotty installed in the early 90's.

What, so cut it to £150 for a year then put it back up to £328? I bet you'd be dancing in the streets this time next year when they announced that.
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But sadly incomes / employment in and around the town arent giving disposable income of 6 years ago Pete. Latics cant really win but families pay Utility bills, Council Tax, Petrol, to get to work, etc long before Latics figures and they have gone up. The TV leak is pure farce. Its hardly the case they sneaked up on Furman and club knows nothing. For goodness sake pay off for yet another clueless manager and a U-turn on price is typical latics. (Although Henning Berg got 2.5 million for 57 days work)...


Its down to personal circumstances and many will find a ticket to costly.


EDIT having just read Truelove and Gossets interviews VERY POSITIVE they are so enthusiastic.


Not disputing that times are very hard for lots and I have no problem saying that real lack of money is a completely valid reason for not getting a ST. Having said that, inflation has been around 25% over the last six years and for the club to hold prices yet again is not a cause for moaning and complaining as some have done.

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I'm afraid that while the greedy league is in this country these prices are extremely reasonable, if you can't afford it don't buy one. It may seem I'm being blunt but, there's no point complaining when you will easily find league 2 football that costs more than our prices.

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