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F.A.O Barry Owen

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Lets just firm a couple of things up here.......Because some people just dont understand business on this website,


Mr Vaughan isnt allowed to be a named director of a business, however he is still a wealthy man with many business interests, from what i are now in the name of his son, who has a clean record. But that is just in name and he will still work for those businesses. Band from being a director this is a shareholding director. Probably can still sit on the board or be a CEO and ultimatley run those businesses.


If Mr Vaughan is putting a consortium together to buy the club which is fronted by his son or another memeber of the consortium, his son/member will pass the FA test, lets be fair from what we have seen at different clubs anyone could pass it.


Also lets be honest about SC, if he sees a way of getting his and Blitz cash out of the club he will be on the next flight to New York with the largest bottle of Bubbles.


BA's statement did not deny any discussion it only confirmed that a "formal offer" had not been made! I think this says alot.


But even if SC is here to try to get as much of Blitz's money back as possible, why would he sell now, after the existing regime have done the donkey work re the new stand, to give someone else an easy ride? As opposed to staying around to get the new stand up and then selling the club for a substantially higher amount than what he would have got had he sold the club as it stands now ?

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Interesting - You can report a banned director if you think he is breaching his conditions.... which if the BBC website is correct, he is.


Who does this fit and proper test?

Where do we report him?

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Who does this fit and proper test?

Where do we report him?


FA does fit and proper I believe, but haven't checked this out as the banned director bit is more interesting I think:


If you’re disqualified


You will be disqualified for up to 15 years.

You can’t:

  • be a director of any company registered in the UK or an overseas company that has connections with the UK
  • be involved in forming, marketing or running a company

You could be fined or sent to prison for up to 2 years if you break the terms of the disqualification.




Report a director or disqualified director


Contact the Insolvency Service to:

  • complain about a director’s conduct
  • report a disqualified director if you think they’re breaching the terms of their disqualification

Apparently SV is talking about it in the Chron today - hopefully will hang himself.

Edited by jimsleftfoot
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Who does this fit and proper test?

Where do we report him?


Correction from the above - Football League administrate Fit and Proper


Interesting regarding the PL rules Vs the FL re. ownership of clubs




Q: Who must pass the "fit and proper person test"?

A: Under rules established by the Premier League, Football League and by the Football Association for the Conference, anybody who takes over as a director of a football club, or the owner of more than 30% of a club's shares, must pass the test.

Q: What is the point of the test?

A: It was introduced by the authorities in 2004 following concern that anybody, even those convicted of fraud, could take over football clubs, and it is intended to protect the clubs from people not "fit" or "proper" to run them.

Q: What restrictions do the tests impose?

A: There are several grounds on which you could fail it, but the most important are that anybody with an unspent criminal conviction involving dishonesty, or who has run a football club into administration twice, cannot take over at a club.

Q: Has anybody ever failed a test?

A: We do not know if anybody has been barred from taking a club over, but the only serving director who failed was Dennis Coleman, who was a director of Rotherham United when they had financial problems and went into administration twice.

Q: Do the tests offer strong protection for clubs?

A: The authorities believe the test shows their determination not to leave clubs vulnerable to wrongdoing, and is an improvement on the position before 2004, when the leagues used to claim they could not introduce such a test. But many people believe it has too little practical effect because it does not examine the plans people have for the clubs, or whether they have genuine money behind them.

Q: Are the Premier and Football League tests the same?

A: The Premier League has significantly strengthened its rules this summer following pressure from the government, while the Football League has not.

Q: What are the important areas in which the Premier League's rules are stronger?

A: The Premier League now asks its members to make public the names of anyone who owns 10% of a club. The Football League asks the clubs who the owners are, but does not make the information public, claiming it cannot, under the Data Protection Act. So fans of Football League clubs can still be in the dark about who owns their club. Also, the Premier League now checks where the money is coming from to fund a club and must pass it as legitimate. Finally, the Premier League now applies the test before a takeover, whereas the Football League still only examines the new directors and shareholders after a takeover has gone through.

Q: Does the Football League have any plans to strengthen its test?

A: Yes, the league's chairman, Lord Mawhinney, has told the government that the league is open to making improvements to its test, in agreement with the other football bodies. He has also asked the government for help in getting behind offshore funds which do not name the owners. However, some argue that the league does not need the government's help, and should enforce its own test simply by demanding that all 30% owners reveal who they are. If they do not, the league could refuse to allow them to take clubs over.

Edited by jimsleftfoot
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Will Barry fight this on the fans behalf if enough request it ?


This is the one thing he is supposed to be doing by his own previous comments to 'safeguard the interests of the club'.


I may have my issues with how he fulfils what I view as his other responsibilities but that is superfluous at this point.


Barry - as fans we need to know that you're there to fight our corner on this. No sitting on the fence about 'formal offers' - we need an 'over my dead body' statement that you'll be fighting this tooth and nail.

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Lets be honest, we are absolutely kidding ourselves if we thinks Barry's position on the Board (which many of us would love to have had the chance to do) has anything serious to do with fan ownership or involvement. it is frankly, a joke as events now unfolding will prove.


Barry is presumably not being informed of what is going on and/or is unable to comment. I'm so pleased the trusts 250k that we all paid into went to such a useful cause

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FA does fit and proper I believe, but haven't checked this out as the banned director bit is more interesting I think:


If you’re disqualified


You will be disqualified for up to 15 years.

You can’t:

  • be a director of any company registered in the UK or an overseas company that has connections with the UK
  • be involved in forming, marketing or running a company

You could be fined or sent to prison for up to 2 years if you break the terms of the disqualification.




Report a director or disqualified director


Contact the Insolvency Service to:

  • complain about a director’s conduct
  • report a disqualified director if you think they’re breaching the terms of their disqualification

Apparently SV is talking about it in the Chron today - hopefully will hang himself.

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Why is it being said he can hold 30%?

Because those are the FA rules, which are not in line with the regulations of being a company director. I.E. The FA are much more lenient than companies house is

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Because those are the FA rules, which are not in line with the regulations of being a company director. I.E. The FA are much more lenient than companies house is


But provided a football club is registered on Companies House then surely the 30% rule is a sham then...

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This is what I have been saying all day.....you can own a share of a business 29.99% and not be a director.....Thats the FA Rules and UK Ltd company law.


Clearly people on here do not understand the difference between a director title and ownership......

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But provided a football club is registered on Companies House then surely the 30% rule is a sham then...

Not really as it means the FA can ban you without companies house being involved.

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Why is it being said he can hold 30%?


You can hold shares in a company. You cannot be a director or run the business (aka be a shadow director like Blitz).

If hes the money only, then there isn't an issue. Head of the consortium doesn't sound like that though.


Edit: Having under 30% shares would mean he wouldn't need to take the FL fit and proper test.

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