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Off-season Forum - Always Like This?

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Let me get this straight, I'm something of a forum lurker who is generally content to read the forums; I seldom post unless I feel really strongly about something. My interest in the club (and football) usually wanes over the off-season and picks up as the pre-season friendlies kick off. For that reason, while I keep tabs on transfers in and out, I usually read the forums at this time of the year less than during the season.


For a couple of reasons I've stayed around reading posts longer than I typically would. Primarily because of the optimistic end to our season due to us finally getting approval for the new stand and also bringing in a new manager who seems to know what he's doing. Also partly because I have a bit more time on my hands personally.


The main purpose of this post is to ask: Is it always like this during the off-season?


By that I mean, the general atmosphere has changed from being euphoric at us securing our league one status to every next post being fairly negative / critical of the club. Don't get me wrong, I'm not having a go at the forum community in general - I'm just saying 'can't we all be a bit more reasonable?'.


As a fan, I'd like..... but most importantly don't expect or feel I have a right to:


- an in depth, blow by blow account of every discussion which takes place about the sale of the club or the finances of the club.


- details on transfer targets and contract negotiations on a daily basis


- immediate (within 24 hrs) responses from supporter representatives (While I don't know Barry Owen at all I have to commend the rapidity of his recent posts and activity)


- personally shape the football club I choose to support. (After all - I'm only one person. I do believe in supporter representation but sometimes we don't know all of the details, we can't know all of the details and we just have to trust those who do)


I know a forum is all about airing opinions and discussing the latest news so that's what I'm doing today. My opinion is that the views on this forum are now less representative of a typical Oldham fan and more representative of the hardcore fan who is missing their weekly fix of football and this is therefore affecting how negative / demanding / panicky we're getting. What does everyone else think?

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Yes its always like this in pre season. Some will say its because people are bored and there is not enough football but its been getting like this for months and months IMO and the season has only just finished


Some are just looking for an excuse to put have a go at the club at every turn and you will find that 90 percent of posters believe that the club personally owes them something and that the clubs directors should consult the fans on everything from the new stand to taking a :censored:!

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Let me get this straight, I'm something of a forum lurker who is generally content to read the forums; I seldom post unless I feel really strongly about something. My interest in the club (and football) usually wanes over the off-season and picks up as the pre-season friendlies kick off. For that reason, while I keep tabs on transfers in and out, I usually read the forums at this time of the year less than during the season.


For a couple of reasons I've stayed around reading posts longer than I typically would. Primarily because of the optimistic end to our season due to us finally getting approval for the new stand and also bringing in a new manager who seems to know what he's doing. Also partly because I have a bit more time on my hands personally.


The main purpose of this post is to ask: Is it always like this during the off-season?


By that I mean, the general atmosphere has changed from being euphoric at us securing our league one status to every next post being fairly negative / critical of the club. Don't get me wrong, I'm not having a go at the forum community in general - I'm just saying 'can't we all be a bit more reasonable?'.


As a fan, I'd like..... but most importantly don't expect or feel I have a right to:


- an in depth, blow by blow account of every discussion which takes place about the sale of the club or the finances of the club.


- details on transfer targets and contract negotiations on a daily basis


- immediate (within 24 hrs) responses from supporter representatives (While I don't know Barry Owen at all I have to commend the rapidity of his recent posts and activity)


- personally shape the football club I choose to support. (After all - I'm only one person. I do believe in supporter representation but sometimes we don't know all of the details, we can't know all of the details and we just have to trust those who do)


I know a forum is all about airing opinions and discussing the latest news so that's what I'm doing today. My opinion is that the views on this forum are now less representative of a typical Oldham fan and more representative of the hardcore fan who is missing their weekly fix of football and this is therefore affecting how negative / demanding / panicky we're getting. What does everyone else think?


Easily the most sensible post I've read in a long time.

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I definitely agree the forum can be more representative of a more vocal hardcore of fans but not sure if its really any different in preseason to in the season.


There is always negative, demanding, moaning, panicky and extreme over the top views being aired that need to be taken with a large pinch of salt.


If anything I feel this is worse when we are playing games just look on here how much :censored:e gets posted if we lose or even draw compared to how it turns into a relative ghost town when we win!


I generally find preseason to be more positive and exciting on here as we get rumours and news of new signings and rebuild our unrealistic expectations for the season ahead;)

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I generally agree with the OP. Some folks on here do have unreasonable expectations from the club with regard to fan input on decisions and club communication. However, as Stevie J said on the "badge" thread, it makes commercial sense to consult us on the items like replica shirts and badges for which we are the end consumer. If the manufacturer decides on the kit design, then JD / Fila / Carbrini should be canvassing our opinions. I don't know what market research Nike did on the new England home kit, but I find it hard to believe that fans would choose that design.

It has been :dedhrse: on here. But I don't expect to be kept in the loop on transfer deals, just don't hype up internal contracts as if they are new signings from outside the club.


Please can we call it the close season, not the off season, this is not :censored:ing America.

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It's an online forum, and an unofficial one at that - in my opinion, it's one of the few places where irrationality is acceptable.


Now there's an enormous amount of rubbish posted on here, but what else is to be expected? To quote Metallica, "they say the empty can rattles the most".....


I don't get why people get so wound up about what's posted. Everyone, including the representatives of the club, should try and avoid taking posts on here too seriously - the opinions are rarely a true representation of the majority.

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Let me get this straight, I'm something of a forum lurker who is generally content to read the forums; I seldom post unless I feel really strongly about something. My interest in the club (and football) usually wanes over the off-season and picks up as the pre-season friendlies kick off. For that reason, while I keep tabs on transfers in and out, I usually read the forums at this time of the year less than during the season.


For a couple of reasons I've stayed around reading posts longer than I typically would. Primarily because of the optimistic end to our season due to us finally getting approval for the new stand and also bringing in a new manager who seems to know what he's doing. Also partly because I have a bit more time on my hands personally.


The main purpose of this post is to ask: Is it always like this during the off-season?


By that I mean, the general atmosphere has changed from being euphoric at us securing our league one status to every next post being fairly negative / critical of the club. Don't get me wrong, I'm not having a go at the forum community in general - I'm just saying 'can't we all be a bit more reasonable?'.


As a fan, I'd like..... but most importantly don't expect or feel I have a right to:


- an in depth, blow by blow account of every discussion which takes place about the sale of the club or the finances of the club.


- details on transfer targets and contract negotiations on a daily basis


- immediate (within 24 hrs) responses from supporter representatives (While I don't know Barry Owen at all I have to commend the rapidity of his recent posts and activity)


- personally shape the football club I choose to support. (After all - I'm only one person. I do believe in supporter representation but sometimes we don't know all of the details, we can't know all of the details and we just have to trust those who do)


I know a forum is all about airing opinions and discussing the latest news so that's what I'm doing today. My opinion is that the views on this forum are now less representative of a typical Oldham fan and more representative of the hardcore fan who is missing their weekly fix of football and this is therefore affecting how negative / demanding / panicky we're getting. What does everyone else think?


The annual OWTB Summer Meltdown.


It's only 5th June - it's unusual to reach these levels of crankery so early but morbidly fascinating at the same time.

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Off-season? Is that what they're calling the close season now?


People might demand a rapid response service from Barry, but we all know it won't happen like that. I'd prefer Barry to be a stronger and more vocal voice for the fans, but Barry's got his own way of going about things, which I respect, even if I give him the odd jab in the ribs.


It's fair enough for fans to want and to have more of a say. Football clubs in general treat fans as customers rather than as interested parties in a shared enterprise, which is unsatisfactory in many ways.

Edited by 24hoursfromtulsehill
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It all comes down to mistrust. Because of all the disappointments and false dawns experienced by fans over many years, almost everything to do with the Club is treated with negativity, suspicion, and a search for ulterior motives. This seems to be fuelled at times by the Club’s apparent inability to promote itself more positively through the official site.


It will continue until the new stand is built, the Club becomes self-sufficient and the team becomes successful. That’s going to take years and, until then, the conspiracy theorists, rumour-mongers and pessimists will have the upper hand, but OWTB would be boring without them.

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It all comes down to mistrust. Because of all the disappointments and false dawns experienced by fans over many years, almost everything to do with the Club is treated with negativity, suspicion, and a search for ulterior motives. This seems to be fuelled at times by the Club’s apparent inability to promote itself more positively through the official site.


It will continue until the new stand is built, the Club becomes self-sufficient and the team becomes successful. That’s going to take years and, until then, the conspiracy theorists, rumour-mongers and pessimists will have the upper hand, but OWTB would be boring without them.


It can be boring and tedious with them

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Yes its always like this in pre season. Some will say its because people are bored and there is not enough football


Me and my lads randomly choose teams to follow in leagues that are still playing across the globe - just to keep the interest up. Danish Superliga and Finnish Veikkausliiga are our favourites. My sons usually pick teams with interesting kit designs.

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Thanks for the replies all and apologies for the Americanism - I was having a mental block and that's what came into my head first. Genuinely disappointed in myself!


I think I prefer lurking around the forums for several reasons. Quite often it's a time issue, but I do like coming here because news breaks here first. Picking the truth out of the rumour is an interesting pass-time. I've also never been one for wanting the limelight, I prefer reading to writing, I don't understand 'the twitter' :) and haven't yet subscribed to the popular trend of publicising my relatively mundane life to others via social media. I'm appreciative of those who do post regularly though as it gives people like me something to read and think about.


JoeP - I agree as well. I suppose if we can't be irrational on an online forum then when can we be.

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Best thing to do preseason sit back watch the cricket.


Most of the signings are likely to be done later on in the summer anyway as players contracts run out on 1st of july and they go back to preaseason training and as we drift in to august some players start getting twitchy and drop their wage demands from fear of not having a club.


Chill out folks august will come round soon enough.

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Me and my lads randomly choose teams to follow in leagues that are still playing across the globe - just to keep the interest up. Danish Superliga and Finnish Veikkausliiga are our favourites. My sons usually pick teams with interesting kit designs.


One of the reasons i tend to follow the MLS, Brazil, Swedish and Norway leagues also.

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Let me get this straight, I'm something of a forum lurker who is generally content to read the forums; I seldom post unless I feel really strongly about something. My interest in the club (and football) usually wanes over the off-season and picks up as the pre-season friendlies kick off. For that reason, while I keep tabs on transfers in and out, I usually read the forums at this time of the year less than during the season.


For a couple of reasons I've stayed around reading posts longer than I typically would. Primarily because of the optimistic end to our season due to us finally getting approval for the new stand and also bringing in a new manager who seems to know what he's doing. Also partly because I have a bit more time on my hands personally.


The main purpose of this post is to ask: Is it always like this during the off-season?


By that I mean, the general atmosphere has changed from being euphoric at us securing our league one status to every next post being fairly negative / critical of the club. Don't get me wrong, I'm not having a go at the forum community in general - I'm just saying 'can't we all be a bit more reasonable?'.


As a fan, I'd like..... but most importantly don't expect or feel I have a right to:


- an in depth, blow by blow account of every discussion which takes place about the sale of the club or the finances of the club.


- details on transfer targets and contract negotiations on a daily basis


- immediate (within 24 hrs) responses from supporter representatives (While I don't know Barry Owen at all I have to commend the rapidity of his recent posts and activity)


- personally shape the football club I choose to support. (After all - I'm only one person. I do believe in supporter representation but sometimes we don't know all of the details, we can't know all of the details and we just have to trust those who do)


I know a forum is all about airing opinions and discussing the latest news so that's what I'm doing today. My opinion is that the views on this forum are now less representative of a typical Oldham fan and more representative of the hardcore fan who is missing their weekly fix of football and this is therefore affecting how negative / demanding / panicky we're getting. What does everyone else think?


The irony is the majority of green up signs youve received are probably from said posters!

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I generally agree with the OP. Some folks on here do have unreasonable expectations from the club with regard to fan input on decisions and club communication. However, as Stevie J said on the "badge" thread, it makes commercial sense to consult us on the items like replica shirts and badges for which we are the end consumer. If the manufacturer decides on the kit design, then JD / Fila / Carbrini should be canvassing our opinions. I don't know what market research Nike did on the new England home kit, but I find it hard to believe that fans would choose that design.

It has been :dedhrse: on here. But I don't expect to be kept in the loop on transfer deals, just don't hype up internal contracts as if they are new signings from outside the club.


Please can we call it the close season, not the off season, this is not :censored:ing America.


Somehow you managed to turn that into another slating of the club. Well done

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To be honest I simply dont get the concept of "lurking" on a board if everyone who read the board as a supporter posted an opinion more regularly the criticism of those that are vocal is balanced as a bigger sample. Latics in general have a shoot yourself in the foot development plan. The website is shocking, and so many false dawns no wonder many have fallen out of love with football or have a degree of mistrust.


Or you could have all 4500 members posting :censored:e, instead of the 100 or so that currently do

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Best thing to do preseason sit back watch the cricket.


Most of the signings are likely to be done later on in the summer anyway as players contracts run out on 1st of july and they go back to preaseason training and as we drift in to august some players start getting twitchy and drop their wage demands from fear of not having a club.


Chill out folks august will come round soon enough.


Sounds awful

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