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Frank Exchange with Simon Corney

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Just been to collect my Season Tickets and buy a couple of things from the shop. Bumped into Simon Corney as usual was unhappy about something I and others have posted on here over the weekend. Particularly upset that I had called him a 'sheister', after explaining he's called me worse he saw the funny side.


He's invited me into the club to look at the books and discuss any concerns I might have, which I am happy to do once we're both free later this month.


He was unhappy about me quoting his own interview to the Chron regarding the budget where I highlighted his rule of thumb over the planned expenditure. 3,000 gates equate to a budget of around a million, the average attendance equates to a budget of around £1.3 million. I'm happy to set the record straight and state that the budget is in fact slighter higher and that is before loanees.



He says he's working his arse of to deliver the stand, piling has already started.


Koucash DID want to move us to Salford apparently, but it was always a long shot as the interest was supposedly manufactured for leverage with The RFL and Salford City Council.


The Vaughan interest was real along with another equally shady individual showing interest. The FL would have been powerless to stop any deal and if he wanted the cash would be on the table tomorrow, but such deals are not in the best interests of the club. So fair enough...


JYM has had offers from FIVE Championship clubs, we simply can't compete.


Matt Smith was offered to MACCLESFIELD in November but they couldn't afford the percentage of his wages we wanted them to pay.


No malice towards Dickov, but he is aware of Jose's Buy Out Clause that does exist after-all. But the lad signed a deal were Palace and Peterborough were offering £5k a week in January. However if Jose did go, and he's adamant that LJ wants him here and Jose is happy, then LJ would be able to bring in another 2 or 3 players to replace him.


He loves LJ, great appointment he's been in at 5.30am all week - workaholic...


He's adamant Blitz does not fund the club in any way....


As usual a full and frank discussion with Simon, you ask him a question he gives you the answer, I don't always like what he has to say but you have to take much of what he says at face value. Of course we can all form our opinions but you can only quote the man himself....


I get the impression Simon is happy for most of our discussion to put on here....



Edited by oafcprozac
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You should ask him direct questions prozac!

1) to get the answers. Brialliant stuff, cheers, and 2) Keep your blood pressure down!!!!


We could do a LOT LOT worse than Simon Corney. Personally, I think he is pretty good.

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Not enough he said but if that got him to sign then so be it and it was his dad and agent calling the shots

To be fair, whatever deal we got we were lucky

Donl;t suppose it is massive, but at least we ahve had him asl long as we did.

To be fair, he has been good as his word about wanting to play

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Did you ask how his suspended roof business is going?


Yeah, he found Chris Moore's black hole, a gross of Latics Aftershave, half a box of Latics Torches and an old pair of Gordies Undies.....



Oh and Clyde Wijnhard's unsigned contract.....

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What a bloody good idea moving us to Salford would be. I can see Salford Reds stadium from my bedroom window.


I would of course happily donate a small percentage of the hundreds of pounds per season that I would save on travel costs to Player Share :peepwall:.

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Just been to collect my Season Tickets and buy a couple of things from the shop. Bumped into Simon Corney as usual was unhappy about something I and others have posted on here over the weekend. Particularly upset that I had called him a 'sheister', after explaining he's called me worse he saw the funny side.


He's invited me into the club to look at the books and discuss any concerns I might have, which I am happy to do once we're both free later this month.


He was unhappy about me quoting his own interview to the Chron regarding the budget where I highlighted his rule of thumb over the planned expenditure. 3,000 gates equate to a budget of around a million, the average attendance equates to a budget of around £1.3 million. I'm happy to set the record straight and state that the budget is in fact slighter higher and that is before loanees.



He says he's working his arse of to deliver the stand, piling has already started.


Koucash DID want to move us to Salford apparently, but it was always a long shot as the interest was supposedly manufactured for leverage with The RFL and Salford City Council.


The Vaughan interest was real along with another equally shady individual showing interest. The FL would have been powerless to stop any deal and if he wanted the cash would be on the table tomorrow, but such deals are not in the best interests of the club. So fair enough...


JYM has had offers from FIVE Championship clubs, we simply can't compete.


Matt Smith was offered to MACCLESFIELD in November but they couldn't afford the percentage of his wages we wanted them to pay.


No malice towards Dickov, but he is aware of Jose's Buy Out Clause that does exist after-all. But the lad signed a deal were Palace and Peterborough were offering £5k a week in January. However if Jose did go, and he's adamant that LJ wants him here and Jose is happy, then LJ would be able to bring in another 2 or 3 players to replace him.


He loves LJ, great appointment he's been in at 5.30am all week - workaholic...


He's adamant Blitz does not fund the club in any way....


As usual a full and frank discussion with Simon, you ask him a question he gives you the answer, I don't always like what he has to say but you have to take much of what he says at face value. Of course we can all form our opinions but you can only quote the man himself....


I get the impression Simon is happy for most of our discussion to put on here....




I take it he didn't divulge into how much we are paying him, not like its any of my business, just intrigued.

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I have had two very (very) brief chats with Mr Corney over the years and I've always found him to be honest and approachable. That's why I get annoyed with some of the conspiracy theories that get posted on here.


His involvement and support of the club has lasted 10 years plus now, more than some who post on here citisising him, and yet he is still accused of being in it for the money! It's been clear since 2008 and the financial crash that no money will be made from OAFC yet he is still here and continues (now largely single handily) to run the club and support the club. Anyone not caring would have liquidated the club and sold the land for whatever they could get and cut their loses.

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Can't fault the guy, doesn't need to be here but still is and the criticism he gets on here is totally unjustified.

My only gripe is why he doesn't put these takeover rumours to bed sooner....all thanks to Prozac for asking but it shouldn't need an informal chat in the club shop to get the info out to the fans.

The takeover rumours have been rife for a while now and all it would take is a few lines on the Official site or a chat to the Chron or M.E.N to put the fans at ease.

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That's a pretty good interview on the hoof Prozac


How many chairmen would stop for a chat with a customer in any industry, let alone football. I am not surprised by Corney's reaction to unsuitable suitors. Nor will I be unduly surprised if he one day takes the bait. Like most football chairmen Corney has no natural skill or aptitude for running a successful football club. Most of the successful ones either throw money at it or are lucky with a manager who actually knows what they are doing. Corney has had no such luck with a manager nor is he stupid enough to throw money at it. He has never shown any appetite for relegation or we would have long gone. Just maybe his luck, and ours is changing regarding a manager. I hope so because I for one am in no hurry to see the back of Corney.

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Guest Scratch2000uk

Thanks for the heads up Prozac, At least we got more than what Barry was prepared to let us know. :OASISscarf:

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