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Or do we seem to be getting a lot more for our money this year?


LJ was right in the initial meeting that the calibre of players available is much better than previous years.


Johnson Clarke-Harris

James Dayton

Sidney Schmeltz

Korey Smith

Mark Oxley

Charlie MacDonald

Anton Rodgers

Adam Rooney?


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Or do we seem to be getting a lot more for our money this year?


LJ was right in the initial meeting that the calibre of players available is much better than previous years.


Johnson Clarke-Harris

James Dayton

Sidney Schmeltz

Korey Smith

Mark Oxley

Charlie MacDonald

Anton Rodgers

Adam Rooney?



If you remember his first meeting Johnson mentioned about havin contacts and knowing which players who would be happy to sign and play for us at this level. Fact most of these players are permenent deals and on two year deals also is very encouraging.

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Call me silly, naive, stupid but im really feckin excited about next season now! Im off to buy a season ticket next week after initially deciding not to.


If we can keep the squad fit and together I can see us pushing top 10 which I think would be a big achievement in LJ first full season!



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Over the last few years we've had a good first eleven but when a player has had a knock, dip in form or needed a change in formation we haven't had a player of a similar ability to come in. We have also been very one dimensional and had a limited number of formations and tactics that we can call on.


It does look like LJ has a few ideas about how he wants to play and is giving himself options rather than just signing players to play in one set formation.

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Call me silly, naive, stupid but im really feckin excited about next season now! Im off to buy a season ticket next week after initially deciding not to.


If we can keep the squad fit and together I can see us pushing top 10 which I think would be a big achievement in LJ first full season!



Silly, niaive, stupid.... :wink:

IT's Latics remember!!!

But yes, something in the air this year.

I am still cautiously optimistic.

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Let's see them play first.


Although it was only a friendly and dont want to look to much into it but was impressed with what i saw last week. Wont be at the Curzon game so will trust others judgement but its nice to head into the new season feeling optimistic for a change.

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With one to two apparently still lined up to come in we seem to have done our business nice and early and it's satisfying that Rooney & Rodgers have been part of the boot camp so they can hit the ground running.


Of course details of playing budgets are kept low key but if we have managed to get this squad together at anything less than last year's, then it looks like some good, thoughtful work has gone into it and now LJ can drill them into playing to his plan.

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That and maybe, just maybe some of the cup money has been re-invested into the squad.


When you look at Brentford, Yeovil, Oreint et al al had cracking seasons last year, they must have surely looked at it and thought , why not??


Looking forward to Stevenage, can't beat 1st game of the season, hope, optimism, 1-0 defeats :laught30: !! joking a side, should be a good day out that.

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I just don't how we manage with such :censored: budgets that get slashed year on year. . . .


Oh wait a mo. Fee paid for Clarke. Coups in smith an possibly Rooney.


Can we please, please stop saying we aint got a pot to piss in. No we ain't loaded, far, far from it. But we do, an have for years now had a very competive budget.


Forget what corney spouts about budgets. Look at the players we sign. An quietly pay fees for.


What pleases me; is Johnson seems far more adept with the money he's given.


No trip to Spain for a start.

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Go back a year and I bet similar was said when Baxter and Derbyshire arrived.






Still looks a decent strikeforce to me


Although Baxter and Derbyshire were more desperation signings when it became abundantly clear that the initial squad wasn't good enough.

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Go back a year and I bet similar was said when Baxter and Derbyshire arrived.






Still looks a decent strikeforce to me



I was excited about Croft but worried people where still talking about the Lee Croft we had loan a few years earlier. Baxter gave made confidence and when Derbyshire arrived i knew we had a decent squad in the making.


However at the moment clearly Lee Johnson wants to establish his team now, get them playing together, let work each others game out. Looks like this team bonding exercise at Southport will have worked out better than the trip to Portugal the lads went on last season.

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Or do we seem to be getting a lot more for our money this year?


LJ was right in the initial meeting that the calibre of players available is much better than previous years.


Johnson Clarke-Harris

James Dayton

Sidney Schmeltz

Korey Smith

Mark Oxley

Charlie MacDonald

Anton Rodgers

Adam Rooney?


Dunno. Haven't seen them play.

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Our stock is relatively high for a buyer so it would make sense to have a good football year to make things look a little more rosie ...


1)Young promising manager probably on a relatively low wage.

2) Plans approved and funding in place for New stand development to secure future funds.

3) Promising young squad on 12 month - 2 year deals

4) Balanced books

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Or do we seem to be getting a lot more for our money this year?


LJ was right in the initial meeting that the calibre of players available is much better than previous years.


Johnson Clarke-Harris

James Dayton

Sidney Schmeltz

Korey Smith

Mark Oxley

Charlie MacDonald

Anton Rodgers

Adam Rooney?


Rodgers and Oxley don't fill me with confidence but the rest of them look very good signings

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Reckon we'll be paper thin this year again though, especially at centre back.

I keep reading similar to this


We seem to have greater numbers and quality to me already?


Granted we need 2 at CB but I'm confident he'll get them + Rooney or someone else.

I think that will have us starting the season far better equipped than last year. Especially if he gets another keeper in too.

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The thing which pleases me is that ive heard of very few of them. There are no ego signings wuo will demand to be the centre of attention. Even baxter our key player is a team player and if they can play as a team for once we might just win as a team. Ive had enough of the derbyshire/croft/kuqi/windass/parker/ormrod/barnard etc signings who demand to be the it player.

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Rodgers and Oxley don't fill me with confidence but the rest of them look very good signings

How much have you seen of Messrs Rodgers and Oxley? Serious question as I just wondered why you might be doubting them. They don't have to be well known to be talented. I know from my family in Hull that Oxley is very highly rated, but didn't get a chance last season because of Stockdale and Jakupovic.

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