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Just watching prem years on sky sports 97 season . Watching redfearn knocking them in for fun for Barnsley 6, years after we sold him . Think joe dropped a bollox selling him . Great win today

Correct - definitely the biggest mistake Joe ever made. He was for me a great goal scoring midfielder.

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During our promotion season ( his only full season) Redfearn was outstanding for us and a major reason why we went up and won the league.I spoke to him once during the season and went out with some mates with him just after the end of the season and he was a really nice guy, I read his autobiography a couple of years ago and every chapter is basically the same. Joined club, settled in well, enjoy it and really impress. get left out for a game or two and fall out with manager (his fault not mine) somebody else comes in and makes an offer and I leave (for footballing reasons). Joined club, settled in well, enjoy it ..........

The guy is a real Latics legend even if only for a brief time and for younger fans I really hope you can one day experience the emotion of that crazy afternoon. Mind you if today is anything to go by it might not be far off....

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Joe wanted to put Redders on the right in place of Adams and bring back milligan

Redders wanted to play in the middle and in the end refused to play on the right after the season he just had.

they fell out fell out about it. Joe brought back Milli and shipped Reddders out

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