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That fraud case

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The helm should be grasped by the leader, it needs an overhaul. The Trust should be democratically elected by its members. Decisions taken by the membership will be decided on a one member, one vote basis. Along with the club, The Trust will develop strong links with the local community and strive to be accessible to all, discriminating against none. The Trust will encourage young, local participation - playing and supporting - whenever possible.

I tend to agree Rummy. I consider myself to be reasonably educated but I have never got my head around the make up and fabric of the trust. It always seems to be a confused mess and blows up when questioned. Because I cant grasp the concept I lost interest a long time ago, maybe a fresh approach would be the ideal remedy.

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I also don't know how the Trust works but this is a sound enough series of asks. The devil is in the detail. Massively in favour of democratic elections for Trust Chair - not because I want Barry out (Barry has experience, which counts for a lot) but because I believe any Chair could fulfil the role better if they were propelled by that response mechanism.


Spot the public servant type chap.

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The helm should be grasped by the leader, it needs an overhaul. The Trust should be democratically elected by its members. Decisions taken by the membership will be decided on a one member, one vote basis. Along with the club, The Trust will develop strong links with the local community and strive to be accessible to all, discriminating against none. The Trust will encourage young, local participation - playing and supporting - whenever possible.

What does any of that actually mean, or do?

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The end should be that's it's our own gang...ours being every single fan that feels a vested interest. A sense of being in a collected group. A group who's soul purpose in being is for the greater good of OAFC. After which in the real world, we sort our own little world's out, that is our own homes first and foremost.

And do what?

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Guest Scratch2000uk

Playershare and Trust funds are completely separate and, as far as I know, Mike Nuttall was never overseeing Playershare finances.


Says this on the trust site.


Mike Nuttall: Finance Director/PlayerShare Co-ordinator

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And do what?


Exist. Carry on looking out for OAFC. Help OAFC where the trust see's fit. To do what it can, when it can and remain a vehicle to rally the supporters of OAFC as and when it's needed. Do we need a crisis to have a group?


I too have expressed my unease with the seemingly lack of democracy in the way it's Chairman is elected or the amount of time in between elections. I believe this is a major stumbling block for many, not so much for those who have no desire or aspiration to be a strong voice within in and who merely wish to support it. That said sometimes it's not a cut black and white thing. I also believe that should the Chairman role constantly change (which I believe a one man one vote system would deliver) then Corney would actually take far more meetings in secret or indeed dislike certain Chairmen. It's a tricky one, however I still fall on the side of a voting reform within the trust.

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I'm pretty sure I didn't cast any aspersions, merely that a lot of posts about the Trust, including the post in question, are all talk. Backseat drivers if you will. An active part isn't played, but a very vocal moan must be had.


Now forgive me if your leader is going to join the Trust, take the bull by the horns and :censored: liquid gold in the morning, but somehow I don't think it will be the case.

He's not my leader; he's my friend. And, as I said, he's anything but 'all talk'.


People don't see how much work goes into this site behind the scenes (not saying they should - it's just the nature of it) and rummy has put in more than anyone else, in spite of having lost an awful lot of love for Latics during the time since we set OWTB up.


I can't imagine between this site, his job and his family, he would have time to 'take the bull by the horns' but it doesn't mean he can't voice an opinion on the Trust's shortcomings or suggest how its performance might be improved.

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Yes Mike was on the playershare committee chaps, and could view the finances as part of his role and we trusted his financial experience.


However, he did not have sole access too the funds and monies could only be released by the agreement of others on the committee.


Playershare is an idea that was born out of the trust, hence at the time, there were three members of the trust team on that committee.


We all like to believe the best in people and I can't imagine the dire straits it took, I believe, for a respected man to do this I don't think he is a bad person but he was it seems, a desperate one

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However, he did not have sole access too the funds and monies could only be released by the agreement of others on the committee.


I'm not saying any untoward has happened with the PlayerShare finances but, to be fair, exactly the same could have been said about the Trust.
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I'm not saying any untoward has happened with the PlayerShare finances but, to be fair, exactly the same could have been said about the Trust.

Tis true stevie, everything is a learning curve and I am sure those on the trust committee will have learnt and be putting measures in place so it doesn't happen again.



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