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Two very important league games followed by two important cup games.


No game is easy but four very tough games coming up and with Kusunga injured Lanzoni and (hopefully) Brown will need to step in and step up quickly.


4 points from the next two league games would see us looking up rather than down. We need to build a bit of a gap to the big group of teams below us.

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Joint eighth in the six game League One form league.


Only two defeats in eleven. Three straight wins. Five games unbeaten.


Only conceded more than one twice in thirteen games.


Not lost at home since August.


Two rounds from Wembley.


Great chance of reaching the FA Cup third round.


DWWLWLDDWWW would, if replicated across a full league season, equate to 88 points. Doncaster won the league with 84 points last season.


This is some run.

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Tbh those figures are fudged alittle as they include cup games so ya cant really use it as a league guide. But i agree we are looking good at the moment

Nothing fudged. They are what they are.


The six game form league, based on league results only, has us joint eighth. That included two defeats.


Replicate our last eleven results in all competitions over a full league season (which would ignore points dropped in previous games) and it's promotion form.


I'm not saying we'll get promoted automatically because we won't. But there are some very promising signs, including seeing games out once we have the lead.


....joint top in the one game league

And extrapolate this across a full season and we will be the lowest scoring runaway champions in history!

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Should say, i agree with the OP; it does appear to be gelling and clicking into place.


A settled (ish) starting X1 is starting to emerge - with a core group of key players within that.

Keeping the likes of Smith, Tarky, Wes, Dayton,Philliskirk, Grounds et all injury and supension free is going to be huge. I would have included Kusunga in that, but with 3 games to sit out - he's already thrown my 'stay suspension free' out of the window!!


Slowly (as it always was going to be) taking shape is LJ's little project...

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