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What games are you playing at the moment?


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  • 3 months later...

I played the opening mission of Watch Dogs last night. Sorely tempted to take the plunge and buy it. I imagine it'll end up being a pile of arse-gravy but how :censored:ing cool is it hacking into cameras and traffic lights with your phone?! Very.

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I played the opening mission of Watch Dogs last night. Sorely tempted to take the plunge and buy it. I imagine it'll end up being a pile of arse-gravy but how :censored:ing cool is it hacking into cameras and traffic lights with your phone?! Very.


Pre-order arrived earlier. Need to try and finish some work before playing it, it looks good but some of the reviews have been a bit disappointing.

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  • 7 months later...

Grabbing a few hours here and there on XB1 Destiny (No DLC), it's not bad - it looks like I'm only scratching the surface of it, I hope that's true - anyway, it'll do for the time being until Star Wars Battlefront, The Division and R6 come out - I did hear that Gears will be making an XB1 apperance, looking forward to that too.

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  • 4 months later...

Last games I really loved were GTA V, Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas and Dishonored (a surprise hit for me). Everything's been a bit meh since. Don't have a next gen console and nothing's inspiring me to get one. Dragon Age Inquisition was a bit dull (didn't finish it), dragged myself to the end of Deus Ex Human Revolution, gave up on Arkham Asylum and Saints Row IV.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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