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Whichever formation he plays, he has to find a way to compensate for Harkins being so advanced on the left hand side.


Having watched Wigan at City on Sunday, it was an excellent advert for 3 at the back - which would suggest having Lockwood and Wilson marking with Grounds ideally spare as the quickest and best distributor of the three.


This would allow Mellor and possibly Winchester (harsh on Brown admittedly) as Wingbacks with Wes and Smith rotating in front of the back 3 (and covering forward runs from either DM or CW)


That frees Harkins and Philly to roam further forward with less defensive responsibility - but Dayton or Kissock would provide an alternative.


Personally I like the idea of the pace of Turner to stretch them in the channels but can see the argument for McDonald's experience.


They are strong, physical and will press us high up the pitch. We have to pass the ball as if we are forced direct I suspect its a game we can't win.


We have to start fast and commit players forwards, which we have tended to do on the occasions we have been forced into playing 3 at the back.


Finally, I am not in for happy clapping, but they need our support on Tuesday, as the lack of confidence was there for all to see on Saturday......that and still being in the game after 10 minutes without having given a soft opener away!!



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oh well without him or jch we have no chance.


Yeah because worrall is like ronaldo and jch is world class who finishes every chance he is give....oh wait!


Come on for gods sake they're hardly the two you look at and go they are by far our best players. As much as I think Worrall is quite creative we can do without him and as for JCH he is a threat but never has he been prolific so doesn't change that much in my opinion so I think in my opinion that your statement is pretty ridiculous but each to their own

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Winchester Smith Harkins








Instructions; Brown and Grounds to act as a wing backs and must fire the ball into the penalty area rather than passing sideways or back.

Midfield central 3; Smith lying deep mopping up, Winchester and Harkins to run directly at defenders from central midfield.

Front 3..Must be mobile interchanging positions while being alert to any half chances.


Attack attack attack from the first minute, the best form of defence is attack.


PS..If we lose 6-0 don't blame me, blame the players. :wink:

You are putting a lot pressure on Smith and if you are picking Winchester, you may as well stick with Wes and Harkins can't/won't/doesn't track back.


You need players who are comfortable on the ball and can carry it past the opposition because our passing game is poor. Put Harkins behind MacDonald with Kissock and Mellor either side......3 players who can run with the ball and are prepared to shoot. Philliskirk needs dropping down to the bench for a couple of games with a view to coming on after 60 mins. with Turner.

Edited by mikejh45
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