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Hands Tied for Corney

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Guest Laticswaj

He knew what he was getting when he helped purchase the club.

We werent exactly putting bums on seats after the Torex/ITV Digital fiasco.


The fact is the majority of the other aforementioned teams that got a benefactor got a new stadium within a couple of years and started moving through the leagues. Apart from one season where we got in the playoffs post TTA we have more or less just kept our head above water with no investment forthcoming. Hardly saved us, almost just putting off the inevitable.


Unfortunately in football you have to speculate to accumulate.

Obviously there have been mitigating factors but ultimately we haven't managed to keep a team together for more than two years at a time.


The players being sold smacks of desperation at trying to get back some of the dead horse they have been flogging for years.


So my question is, why not call it what it is (bad investment) and get what you can for it. Especially when someone like Marwan Koukash comes calling. Ready and willing to build us a brand new stadium.


Let's face it, he hasn't done a bad job with Salford.


Probably too late now.

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Ye, and building a £4 million stand is the cheapest way to do it?

Another cunning fellow who spotted that the cost effective way to get out would be to play schoolboys until the 10 years ran out, then say say, ":censored: off, no more football here."
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Guest Scratch2000uk


Won't that be the way forward for the anti-Corney brigade? Or will the people you have in mind to replace him lose interest if we go down?


There seem very little appetite to take over the helm here, that's might have something to do with us being worthless,assetless, groundless and us punching above our weight not to mention probable problems regarding clauses etc if any sale ever happened.. Sorry to burst your bubble but the messiah has brough us here.I never stopped paying, never will. I just love OAFC and it hurts to see it being turned into a laughing stock with some fans approval.

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He knew what he was getting when he helped purchase the club.

We werent exactly putting bums on seats after the Torex/ITV Digital fiasco.

Correct me with some facts if you like, but wasn't our home support close to double what it is now?


The fact is the majority of the other aforementioned teams that got a benefactor got a new stadium within a couple of years and started moving through the leagues.

Derby got relegated. So did Chesterfield. Colchester haven't exactly boosted their fan base. Scarborough and Darlington perhaps?


Apart from one season where we got in the playoffs post TTA we have more or less just kept our head above water with no investment forthcoming. Hardly saved us, almost just putting off the inevitable.

Unfortunately in football you have to speculate to accumulate.

You can speculate yourself into the abyss.


The players being sold smacks of desperation

Joe Royle had to sell to survive. It is a reality of nearly all lower league clubs.


So my question is, why not call it what it is (bad investment) and get what you can for it. Especially when someone like Marwan Koukash comes calling. Ready and willing to build us a brand new stadium.

IIRC correctly Koukash did promise a new stadium. He couldn't say where (although he did state it would be in Oldham).. He couldn't say who was going to pay for it, but I recall he didn't intend to put his own money into it. There was also a quote attributed to him that implied he didn't expect to put any of his own money in. When he started playing games in the press he lost a lot of credibility for me.


Let's face it, he hasn't done a bad job with Salford.

What are their assets? They used to own a ground. They don't anymore. I don't follow their results closely, but do they win lots of games? Is there really a long term business model for sporting success going on?


This is no love-in for Corney from me. His instinct to cost cut rather than invest has damaged Latics. But as I see the new stand going up at the traditional home of Latics it gives me hope. It is an investment. It is a step forwards.


If Koukash was planning on pumping his own cash in as a hobby I'd be very keen. But it sounded to me like he wanted a toy paid for by others. And his Twitter account is exceptionally dull.

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It's taken me a long time to realise how badly the club is being run and I am very worried for our future. He doesn't engage the fans anymore, instead all he has is negatives for us.


I dread to think where we would be without playing Liverpool 3 seasons running in money spinning matches.


At the end of the day I really hope I'm wrong and most on here are right about their intentions, however he seems to be dying to hand the reigns to the fans (without the land) and watch it all die.




As for the stand, I remember a stand supposedly being built for several years at Rotherham..... It never was, instead they very nearly folded several times. I will only believe it when it's full of expectant Latics fans.

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As for the stand, I remember a stand supposedly being built for several years at Rotherham..... It never was, instead they very nearly folded several times. I will only believe it when it's full of expectant Latics fans.

I'll believe it when it's a third full.

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It's taken me a long time to realise how badly the club is being run and I am very worried for our future. He doesn't engage the fans anymore, instead all he has is negatives for us.


I dread to think where we would be without playing Liverpool 3 seasons running in money spinning matches.


At the end of the day I really hope I'm wrong and most on here are right about their intentions, however he seems to be dying to hand the reigns to the fans (without the land) and watch it all die.




As for the stand, I remember a stand supposedly being built for several years at Rotherham..... It never was, instead they very nearly folded several times. I will only believe it when it's full of expectant Latics fans.


I can understand where your coming from, I often think the club has an us vs them attitude in relation to the fans which is bizarre. Corney, The Trust and the rest of the business side of the club seems completely out of touch.


For what its worth I dont think Corney is necessarily in it solely for making money on the land, I think he enjoys running a football club and the power, status, ego etc that goes with it. The problem is he doesnt have the money to do so at this level and he seems incapable of bringing in investment, maybe because he wants to remain in sole control, hence surrounding himself with yes men.


I dont think TTA came into shaft us, they did fund a competitive side for a number of seasons, especially under Ronnie and Shez. I do think having failed to realise their vision though they didnt have an exit strategy in place for when they got bored which has led to the treading of water and decline. I really think TTA and Corney's project has run its course and therein lies the problem, its all gone stale and everyone is bored, especially the fans. We need some real investment or a serious shock (like administration) to wake everyone up or we will continue to slowly decline.

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I dont think TTA came into shaft us, they did fund a competitive side for a number of seasons, especially under Ronnie and Shez. I do think having failed to realise their vision though they didnt have an exit strategy in place for when they got bored which has led to the treading of water and decline. I really think TTA and Corney's project has run its course and therein lies the problem, its all gone stale and everyone is bored, especially the fans. We need some real investment or a serious shock (like administration) to wake everyone up or we will continue to slowly decline.


Hit the nail on the head!


The owners haven't purposely driven the club into the ground. In my opinion they genuinely came in and thought that investment would awaken the club and send us on a successful ride up the leagues. They've struggled, apart from one season under Shez, to find a winning formula - but that wasn't through the lack of trying. That constant failure, impatience of fans resulting in dwindling attendances and the gap in income v expenditure widening has resulted in Blitz pulling out. This has left Corney to carry on the plan but with much less funds to achieve so gambles become more risky and less likely to pay off.


Corney's marmite amongst fans but he's a fan and either through dogged determination, the millstone around his neck or the prestige of being a football club chairman (he'd happily bin the last two if I'm honest), he's persevered to try and find success. It's not happened but he's put his faith in a young ambitious manager and between the two with limited financial resources they continue. The new stand may create a boost to the funds but that's a gamble in itself.


As I said in another post, time for the fans to take the mantle and openly advertise our club for sale in whatever networks we can penetrate. Play on us being the underdog, battling above our weight, in the shadow of two giants but determined to succeed. Understand what the selling price is, get celebrity support where we can and column inches, tweets etc to entice someone who is willing to gamble and succeed where others have failed. Even incremental with investment in one or two youngsters to boost the team and cash in... anything to stop OAFC declining further and dying a slow painful death.

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I might be being really thick. It happens.


Don't the FFP rules stop an owner just chucking money at buying their team out of a division, regarding wage caps and stuff?


Any donation to the club can be included in the turnover figure, as long as when the money is given there is no expected repayment to the donor.

Edited by jimsleftfoot
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As I said in another post, time for the fans to take the mantle and openly advertise our club for sale in whatever networks we can penetrate. Play on us being the underdog, battling above our weight, in the shadow of two giants but determined to succeed. Understand what the selling price is, get celebrity support where we can and column inches, tweets etc to entice someone who is willing to gamble and succeed where others have failed. Even incremental with investment in one or two youngsters to boost the team and cash in... anything to stop OAFC declining further and dying a slow painful death.


I didn't see the other post but I think that could be a great idea. Shall we see if we could get #BuyOldhamAthletic trending? It might not get immediate success but it would raise some awareness at least.

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There seem very little appetite to take over the helm here, that's might have something to do with us being worthless,assetless, groundless and us punching above our weight not to mention probable problems regarding clauses etc if any sale ever happened.. Sorry to burst your bubble but the messiah has brough us here.I never stopped paying, never will. I just love OAFC and it hurts to see it being turned into a laughing stock with some fans approval.

For a start I have never called TTA the Messiah's. They were just the ONLY people in the mix for taking us out of administration. Thank you very much I said, and continue to say.


With land a property prices at/around record values they had identified a possible killing for themselves and a new ground for the club. I spent 30yrs in business and I thought easier said than done. My club had been pulled from the brink, that's all that mattered. I certainly wasn't going to save the club. Nor am I now for that matter.


Your first sentence above is full of pessimism. It's painful to read let alone live with. How can you get in such a state over a football club. I have supported Latics since 1954 including 2 applications for re-election to Division 4.


You didn't answer - what I call the most important question - why do you personally, expect a stranger to ride into town and spend millions on the football team you support. What is so special about 'you'.


I am a optimist - it's less painful. I ask myself the same question and the answer is 'there is nothing special about me'.


By nature, if I can't change something myself, I accept it or move on.


I am looking forward to tomorrow just has much as I did in 1954.

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Does someone really need to buy the club outright? Or would a group of people successful in different industries buying for example 46% of the club, each contributing financially and using business links to provide services, eg construction and catering, but leaving sc in overall control, therefore satisfying blitz etc land ownership and loans be a better option

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therefore satisfying blitz


I don't believe we know one way or the other what Blitz wants. There was report we have a 20 year lease with an option for a further 20 year lease. There was no mention that Corney had to be in charge for this to be the case. Although I don't think we know one way or the other.


We could ask Barry but I doubt we would get an answer.

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I can understand where your coming from, I often think the club has an us vs them attitude in relation to the fans which is bizarre. Corney, The Trust and the rest of the business side of the club seems completely out of touch.


For what its worth I dont think Corney is necessarily in it solely for making money on the land, I think he enjoys running a football club and the power, status, ego etc that goes with it. The problem is he doesnt have the money to do so at this level and he seems incapable of bringing in investment, maybe because he wants to remain in sole control, hence surrounding himself with yes men.


I dont think TTA came into shaft us, they did fund a competitive side for a number of seasons, especially under Ronnie and Shez. I do think having failed to realise their vision though they didnt have an exit strategy in place for when they got bored which has led to the treading of water and decline. I really think TTA and Corney's project has run its course and therein lies the problem, its all gone stale and everyone is bored, especially the fans. We need some real investment or a serious shock (like administration) to wake everyone up or we will continue to slowly decline.

Spot on.

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I don't believe we know one way or the other what Blitz wants. There was report we have a 20 year lease with an option for a further 20 year lease. There was no mention that Corney had to be in charge for this to be the case. Although I don't think we know one way or the other.


We could ask Barry but I doubt we would get an answer.

For as long as their mate remains the Chairman, it certainly doesn't guarantee that they couldn't choose to pull the plug on it. Also, we don't have any details of what is stipulated in the lease about termination or how the option to extend is triggered.


I'm not saying they're going to shut us down, flatten BP and build a load of houses, just my thoughts on the talk of the lease.


This thread has certainly broadened out well beyond the scope of the original article. Corney's comments appear to me to be something of a retraction of his earlier comment about relegation to League Two constituting a personal failure on his part and now, instead, implying that relegation wouldn't be an unacceptable outcome to the season because we are a club of League Two stature. I tend to agree far more with his original opinion.

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All the above points and valid and correct.
Yes - TTA didn't come to Oldham merely to purchase the land etc etc agree with all on here however, it all means nothing due to where we are which is this.

A run down club that missed it's opportunity years back (IMO might I add) to grow and expand. For sure TTA and SC couldnt have forseen the economic downturn, they couldn't have foreseen furture plans at various sites be sharfted by the council.

For me, they can / could foresee that pulling out with x1 of the TTA remaining would have a net result of poor budget = poor team = poor stadium up keep = poor attendance etc. With that becomes a rather large and unwanted snowball which keeps growing and growing.

From what I've read of SC he's setting an unwanted expectation = League 2, maybe not this season but more than likely very soon if things carry on the way they are (which they will under the guidance of TTA)

For me, if I was SC and was 'in love' with the club, I'd do as much advertising as humanly possible to sell up and pass on the batton to someone who can do more. This would be because he's a true fan, as he's said many a'time and genuiely wants Oldham to be a successful viable footbal club. Has this happened?


I don't know, but I do know that SC and the rest are sitting on the ownership of our site which means at anypoint they can sell and make a bit of money back so the need isn't really there.

In short - TTA & SC have taken us as far as they can, in all honesty they did that 2008/9, so please advertise advertise advertise / promote / promote / promote the sale of OAFC ASAP otherwise there will be nothing left.


If only I could win a massive Euro Lotto jackpot................free season tickets for those that purchased the previous season, £1 per ticket to the rest for a couple of seasons to grow a fan base - make a trust fund for OAFC with interest going to club for running costs / transfer kitty etc............oh how I'd love to change it all...........blar blar blar

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I might be being really thick. It happens.


Don't the FFP rules stop an owner just chucking money at buying their team out of a division, regarding wage caps and stuff?


In theory, yes.


In practice, there'll probably be plenty of ways round it for the creative owner.

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Guest Scratch2000uk

For a start I have never called TTA the Messiah's. They were just the ONLY people in the mix for taking us out of administration. Thank you very much I said, and continue to say.


With land a property prices at/around record values they had identified a possible killing for themselves and a new ground for the club. I spent 30yrs in business and I thought easier said than done. My club had been pulled from the brink, that's all that mattered. I certainly wasn't going to save the club. Nor am I now for that matter.


Your first sentence above is full of pessimism. It's painful to read let alone live with. How can you get in such a state over a football club. I have supported Latics since 1954 including 2 applications for re-election to Division 4.


You didn't answer - what I call the most important question - why do you personally, expect a stranger to ride into town and spend millions on the football team you support. What is so special about 'you'.


I am a optimist - it's less painful. I ask myself the same question and the answer is 'there is nothing special about me'.


By nature, if I can't change something myself, I accept it or move on.


I am looking forward to tomorrow just has much as I did in 1954.



Did i say you called him a messiah? just as i'm not in a " Corney out brigade" group, It's just that some fans wont have a wrong word said against them.

Your other question, that didn't get answered. Didn't, because you didn't :censored:ing ask it. Nor did i imply it. smart arse.

Nor have i ever siad, i wanted some other asset strippers to ride into town with a few spare millions to throw around, and i wouldn't expect anyone to either, who on earth would do something so stupid?, when the reality is, OAFC is worthless and assetless? in a business sense anyway. "Pessimism" "A state" you say?, i call, them facts.

So, what are you optimistic about? dropping down the divisions?

I accept i cannot do anything about it, and have to move on. That's what i do,It doesn't mean i have to like it.

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