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Yes thats why I asked why you think he has dropped a major bollock with Kusunga. Not suggested that you've questioned his ability.


Because, with international call ups and the inevitable injuries he will pick up I reckon we will be lucky if he plays 20 games.

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After a shaky start and formation (bearing in mind that you can't blame the formation too much for inability to make a tackle or accurate pass) we looked decent, especially in midfield.


It's highly likely that LJ sent TW up in the stand to have a look at the angles and distances. It was decided before kick-off, so therefore the set-up must have been a worry. The formation was quickly changed (it was obvious to all it wasn't working) to one that would have also been discussed before kick-off.


I don't think for one second that Tommy wandered off to the stand for a looksy off his own bat or without detailed discussion beforehand.


They are the two top dogs in a coaching team but my money is on LJ being the most thorough.

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Because, with international call ups and the inevitable injuries he will pick up I reckon we will be lucky if he plays 20 games.

No one knows. LJ doesn't know, you don't know, Kusunga himself doesn't know.


I almost thought that Kelly was out for the season when he went down in the first half.


No one knows how injury prone a player is until he plays (or not as the case may be). I very much doubt that LJ will have taken the option on Kusunga without an in depth analysis from the physio.

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Did broady really refer to James Dayton as "Hames Dayton" on the PA or is it just me!?


I thought that too! Thought it was funny!


One thing that a lot of people forget about Mellor & Winchester is that they are still pups even though they have been around forever. I really hope the pair of them have a cracking season and continue their development.

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In the absence of the salary structure - my opinion. What's yours, and we can debate it?

Well we looked more organised, more of a unit in the last 10-12 games of last season IMO, Wright may have had nowt to do with that, would tend to think he did though.

Edited by deyres42
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Well we looked more organised, more of a unit in the last 10-12 games of last season IMO, Wright may have had nowt to do with that, would tend to think he did though.

TW certainly does 'appear' to have made a difference and LJ will certainly be listening to observations of a wise old head. But we are not privy to any tactical conversations and our posts can only be based on individual opinion. But if you are suggesting that he is somehow out ranking LJ I must ask you - based on what?


I clearly implied what I thought was likely. What do you think is likely - apart from them working together?

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No one knows. LJ doesn't know, you don't know, Kusunga himself doesn't know.


I almost thought that Kelly was out for the season when he went down in the first half.


No one knows how injury prone a player is until he plays (or not as the case may be). I very much doubt that LJ will have taken the option on Kusunga without an in depth analysis from the physio.


True but he was quite injury prone last year and if that's repeated we won't see too much of him.


The more settled the back four is and the more they play together the better they should become.


If as Matt Chambers suggests, he could be away for 10 internationals and that will probably account for 12/15 league games without accounting for any injuries, that in itself would make it difficult for him to become part of a settled back four.


He's a good player no doubt but I still maintain if Llera had been made available earlier, Kusunga would have been looking for a new club now.

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TW certainly does 'appear' to have made a difference and LJ will certainly be listening to observations of a wise old head. But we are not privy to any tactical conversations and our posts can only be based on individual opinion. But if you are suggesting that he is somehow out ranking LJ I must ask you - based on what?


I clearly implied what I thought was likely. What do you think is likely - apart from them working together?

Wouldn't claim to know how they operate, there's plenty on here who think Johnson is some sort of genius though, they are 'sure' he will do this and 'sure' he'll do that - I don't see what that level of faith is based on.

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Wouldn't claim to know how they operate, there's plenty on here who think Johnson is some sort of genius though, they are 'sure' he will do this and 'sure' he'll do that - I don't see what that level of faith is based on.

I'm still at the "talks a good talk" and desperate hope stage!

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Wouldn't claim to know how they operate, there's plenty on here who think Johnson is some sort of genius though, they are 'sure' he will do this and 'sure' he'll do that - I don't see what that level of faith is based on.

That's your opinion, ok. At least I've managed to tease a position out of you. Your not a big fan of LJ and you suspect last seasons revival may be down to TW. You may be right. LJ is an apprentice coach, TW is an experienced one with a modicum of success - that's why he hired him.


I see LJ as football business manager and I think he looks promising, more to the point so does Corney, who desperately needs some essential luck with a manager.

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No one knows. LJ doesn't know, you don't know, Kusunga himself doesn't know.


I almost thought that Kelly was out for the season when he went down in the first half.


No one knows how injury prone a player is until he plays (or not as the case may be). I very much doubt that LJ will have taken the option on Kusunga without an in depth analysis from the physio.

Apparently he's not injured at the moment he's away on international duty as Angola had a game on Saturday and I believe they have another on 12th or 13th so he probably won't be avalable for the season opener and the cup game next Tuesday.


Great start to his season @ OAFC.

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Apparently he's not injured at the moment he's away on international duty as Angola had a game on Saturday and I believe they have another on 12th or 13th so he probably won't be avalable for the season opener and the cup game next Tuesday.


Great start to his season @ OAFC.

Have searched online. Angola beat Ethiopia 1-0 at the weekend in a friendly , and kusunga was in the squad, though don't know if he played.

They have another friendly v Botswana on 12th August .

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“I was bored of the formation we were playing and we didn’t have enough of the ball to be effective so I changed it.

“Once that happened we then had our first move and scored. Everyone started to enjoy themselves after that.

Issue resolved.

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