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I agree with that but I think that's were the separate verdicts has been formulated from. She went back with Clayton, Evans rocked up later uninvited. Just putting across why I don't buy this "two or none" argument


So she could consent to the first one but not the second when in my mind she would have been more sober? All seems odd to me. His conviction seems to be based on her not being capable of saying no yet the other lad was fine to get his end away. I'm sure there must be more to it but does seem weak.

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Maybe I must too old and way out if touch and wrong to ask the males in a crude way but why would you want to have a go where your mates just been? And why would you want to be with someone who seems to be so out of I that is not going to remember? And cheat on your partner? Is an opportunist crime? To take advantage and hope you get away with it? To me if I see anyone in no fit state I would try and help, even to the point I've broken up fights in the street too. There are legal arguments, reform arguments, moral arguments and even bloody footy ones too. What a mess this has caused us all

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I'm not exactly over the hill at 30 years old and in sorry but had I got home from a night out and my mate text me saying "he'd got a bird" I might think ok and gone to sleep - I would not have chuffed myself over to the hotel to watch said mate shag said bird then asked to jump in for seconds - Ched Evans is a morally abhorrent scumbag of a human being and if the "younger" people think that kind of behaviour is acceptable then God help this species - this whole episode has made me sick to my stomach

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For all we know she could've just said she couldn't remember due to being embarrassed for allowing 2 guys to...


Just a thought

My mate got so into a 3some on holiday he ended up with his mates length in his mouth. As far as I know neither called the police, put down to shameful drunken antics.

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I'm not exactly over the hill at 30 years old and in sorry but had I got home from a night out and my mate text me saying "he'd got a bird" I might think ok and gone to sleep - I would not have chuffed myself over to the hotel to watch said mate shag said bird then asked to jump in for seconds - Ched Evans is a morally abhorrent scumbag of a human being and if the "younger" people think that kind of behaviour is acceptable then God help this species - this whole episode has made me sick to my stomach

He wasn't jailed for being morally abhorrent though.

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I have much more experience now about prison life and how someone who's served jail time needs help, needs someone to give them a chance and believe in them before they are forced back into their previous life.


What's your opinion of the victim? What about her need for sympathy? She'd be getting on with her life if Ched, Ched's family and Ched's mates weren't all after her. Victim first, Ched second. In fact, Ched :censored:ing nowhere. Ched can :censored: off for ever.

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What's your opinion of the victim? What about her need for sympathy? She'd be getting on with her life if Ched, Ched's family and Ched's mates weren't all after her. Victim first, Ched second. In fact, Ched :censored:ing nowhere. Ched can :censored: off for ever.


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He wasn't jailed for being morally abhorrent though.


If Evans signed



If you were playing for another club and Latics were after signing you would you sign? (think about the reaction from your family and friends)

If you were currently a player at Latics would you want to be seen out socially with him (again think about the reaction)

When he scores then as a player how would you celebrate? Run and mob him etc.etc?


Bottom line is would signing Evans make it more difficult to retain our present squad and sign new players?





I know 3 ex Latics players who think we should sign him. I think most footballers who have done a bit will have some sympathy
Edited by Clifford
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He wasn't jailed for being morally abhorrent though.

No he was jailed for rape and that still stands? What's your point?


Mine is that he's a convicted rapist and all the people defending him who call the rest of us "do gooders" are missing the fact that events show exactly the person he is

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What's your opinion of the victim? What about her need for sympathy? She'd be getting on with her life if Ched, Ched's family and Ched's mates weren't all after her. Victim first, Ched second. In fact, Ched :censored:ing nowhere. Ched can :censored: off for ever.

Ched has the right to say he's innocent to anyone that will listen, thousand of prisoners will tell you they're innocent,. The hounding (if it really is happening) isn't helpful to anyone and is something Ched and his family should speak out on.


Does the victim have sympathy for Clayton McDonald, putting an innocent man through a rape trial just because she couldn't remember?

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Ched has the right to say he's innocent to anyone that will listen, thousand of prisoners will tell you they're innocent,. The hounding (if it really is happening) isn't helpful to anyone and is something Ched and his family should speak out on.


Does the victim have sympathy for Clayton McDonald, putting an innocent man through a rape trial just because she couldn't remember?


Great second point as remember Clayton is definitely innocent in the same way Ched is guilty. Not that she remembers.

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Great second point as remember Clayton is definitely innocent in the same way Ched is guilty. Not that she remembers.


Well if you are questioning the authority and capability of the court to reach a correct judgement then surely you should be asking if Clayton is right to be found not guilty ?


I think the barrel is seriously being scrapped here.... Ched Evans the victim ? FFS...

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Does the victim have sympathy for Clayton McDonald, putting an innocent man through a rape trial just because she couldn't remember?


Not something we're ever likely to find out given that she keeps having to change names and move houses to escape hounding by Evans' supporters. But no reason why she wouldn't, I guess.

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The only solution to this now is that Latics will end up offering Evans to train with them with a view to a more permanent deal if his hearing is successful.

About the only way both sides of the argument can get anything from it now.


Evans has got no choice if he wants to get back into football because after this fiasco no other club will even consider him and

whatever the outcome Latics are stained with this now so might as well get something out of it !!!

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No he was jailed for rape and that still stands? What's your point?


Mine is that he's a convicted rapist and all the people defending him who call the rest of us "do gooders" are missing the fact that events show exactly the person he is

Sorry didn't make the point well. You were inferring that the main issue was he is morally abhorrent and that's why you didn't want him at the club. If that's the basis for not signing him we can probably rule out a lot more players.

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The only solution to this now is that Latics will end up offering Evans to train with them with a view to a more permanent deal if his hearing is successful.

About the only way both sides of the argument can get anything from it now.


Evans has got no choice if he wants to get back into football because after this fiasco no other club will even consider him and

whatever the outcome Latics are stained with this now so might as well get something out of it !!!

What you are saying could be a possible outcome which appeases both sides. Having said that I still don't want him anywhere near our club.

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I have a horrible feeling we have signed him and now trying legally to get out of it.


The fact the club are still deliberating when they were so quick to make a Stance over montano makes me wonder


And then it's the PFA involvement, are we being asked to help out in a nice way? Or being held to ransom


Guess we will all know more tomorrow, surely this can't continue anymore for all concerned

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