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The only solution to this now is that Latics will end up offering Evans to train with them with a view to a more permanent deal if his hearing is successful.

About the only way both sides of the argument can get anything from it now.


Evans has got no choice if he wants to get back into football because after this fiasco no other club will even consider him and

whatever the outcome Latics are stained with this now so might as well get something out of it !!!

I agree, hope the club/PFA are considering this too

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I'm surprised how anyone is found guilty in any court of law considering how many expert lawyers can be found on any internet forum. I did two years of law at university but found it impenetrable and ended up changing degrees. I must be propa fick.

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Ched has the right to say he's innocent to anyone that will listen, thousand of prisoners will tell you they're innocent,. The hounding (if it really is happening) isn't helpful to anyone and is something Ched and his family should speak out on.


Does the victim have sympathy for Clayton McDonald, putting an innocent man through a rape trial just because she couldn't remember?

Given that McDonald texted a mate (Evans) saying "Got a Bird" and it was he who allowed Evans into the room (although Evans entered by subterfuge) and allowed him to join in, I highly doubt it, don't you?
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This is the strange bit for me. If she couldn't remember then how on earth could he be found guilty beyond reasonable doubt? Am I missing something?

There is a level of intoxication by which you can't be legally deemed to have given consent and if she was that intoxicated then she is unlikely to remember

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This is the strange bit for me. If she couldn't remember then how on earth could he be found guilty beyond reasonable doubt? Am I missing something?

I think the premise is that he has admitted having sex, but that he said she consented. Given her very drunken state, the jury determined she could not have possibly consented.
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Dan Roan tweeted this about half an hour ago:




Oldham deal with Ched Evans still alive (just) tonight, but I understand much now hinges on PFA agreeing to be present at any unveiling


Wish they'd make their f*cking minds up and deal with the :censored: they're going to get whatever decision they make.

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Stop discussing the ins and outs of the case.... It's irrelevant to latics and very disrespectful to the victim.

What do the mods think?

I cannot follow how you work out it is not relevant to Latics, it is the most relevant thing. Its all in the public domain, and if anything is disrespectful to the victim it is our clubs sordid and long involvement with him.
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Ched has the right to say he's innocent to anyone that will listen, thousand of prisoners will tell you they're innocent,. The hounding (if it really is happening) isn't helpful to anyone and is something Ched and his family should speak out on.


Does the victim have sympathy for Clayton McDonald, putting an innocent man through a rape trial just because she couldn't remember?


Ched has the right to sing the blues and there's no such thing as a guilty man in jail. The hounding really has happened. Google Ched Evans cousin twitter conviction.


Ched and his family can all :censored: off. Ched's dog can :censored: off, as can his girlfriend, his father in law, anyone who's ever met Ched, Ched's priest...all the way down to Ched's midwife.


Does the victim have sympathy for McDonald? I could not care less. It's not as if she's legally obliged to get all gooey about McDonald's plight, whereas Ched is obliged not to hound the victim. (The Attorney-General is currently considering whether Ched's website constitutes contempt of court. If it does, Ched's people could all find themselves in the :censored:.)



This is the strange bit for me. If she couldn't remember then how on earth could he be found guilty beyond reasonable doubt? Am I missing something?


Yes. You're missing quite a lot actually. More than I can be arsed with. Why is everyone else obliged to help you with the details?

Edited by 24hoursfromtulsehill
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So drunk she remembered her pizza...

She also sent a coherent txt message to a friend. But then again she did wake up to find she had urinated in the bed. So whichever side you 'support' you can pick and choose bits of the case to suit.

Edited by alwaysablue
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Dan Roan tweeted this about half an hour ago:




Wish they'd make their f*cking minds up and deal with the :censored: they're going to get whatever decision they make.





Radio5 reporting Daily Mail saying it's down to Ashley. However they might just have got that off here.

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I'm not exactly over the hill at 30 years old and in sorry but had I got home from a night out and my mate text me saying "he'd got a bird" I might think ok and gone to sleep - I would not have chuffed myself over to the hotel to watch said mate shag said bird then asked to jump in for seconds - Ched Evans is a morally abhorrent scumbag of a human being and if the "younger" people think that kind of behaviour is acceptable then God help this species - this whole episode has made me sick to my stomach

Yep pal, i've only 4 years on you at 34; but that's it for me. Its not that long ago that I was merrily drinking myself into oblivion at Uni, and got up to plenty of 'young lad' escapades.

But, I can say hand on heart, even pissed out of my nut, my moral compass still worked to extent that I would not have ever got myself into the situation Ched Evans got himself into.

Whether you have an opinion on his conviction being correct or not, I would surely like to think that everyone could agree his behaviour that night was abhorrent.


Wider issue, is that sadly, from following the links posted on here from Twitter (im not on it, thankfully so, it seems from days like today and yesterday) - there are great swaths of the population - young men mostly - who can see no wrong whatsoever with the behaviour of CE that night. And the trivialisation of such a serious and life-damaging crime as rape is truly shocking actually.


Some of our fans, mostly young men it has to be said, coming out in such vocal support for CE and for his signing.....and the vile putrid bile they're coming out with to anyone daring to an opinion that differs to theirs is quite unbelievable.

Society is plumbing new depths in this it seems, its bringing out the worst modern society has to offer it appears.


This whole sorry mess just continues to get worse & worse.

I have anger towards the people pertaining to run our club for bringing this on us - it was an awful decision in the first place and their subsequent handling of it since has been shambolic, amateurish and frankly incompetent.

I now can add embarrassment and shame towards a section of our support.

And a head wobble towards the younger generation and the way society in our country seems to be heading. I'm expecting my first child in April; really looking forward to welcoming them into a Nation where its believed 'laddy' and is apparently acceptable to behave like a character from A Clockwork Orange.

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If Evans signed



If you were playing for another club and Latics were after signing you would you sign? (think about the reaction from your family and friends)

If you were currently a player at Latics would you want to be seen out socially with him (again think about the reaction)

When he scores then as a player how would you celebrate? Run and mob him etc.etc?


Bottom line is would signing Evans make it more difficult to retain our present squad and sign new players?

Its a possibility some clubs wouldn't allow their younger players to join the Latics on loan.

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Id want to sign him just to shut that Charlie Webster up.. How can she talk after appearing in a photo shoot with hardly any clothes on.... Some people have to back off there very high horse.

I'm not sure I understand that. So what if she did a photoshoot with hardly any clothes on...?
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