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The Boycott of Home Matches

The boycott of home games  

373 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you be boycotting home games for the duration of Ched Evans time if he is signed?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Depends on his perfomance and team efforts/league position

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Quite a few of them are Luke, some who've been going for as long as you and me put together, some a lot younger. I'm not after a tawdry few quid to make me feel better thanks all the same.

I'll have it for free then ?


oafc0000. My view is rape is obviously abhorrent. However we've always signed controversial players in the past. I didn't mind when we signed Hughes and same for Ched if he does come. from a footballing perspective he could prove an absolute bargain so i can understand that part. Even if it didn't work out it'd be cheaper than any alternative striker. Football is a business whether we like to admit it or not. No business in my view should feel backed into a corner about who they can and can't employ. Whether morals come into question or not, governing bodies of the sport have given him the freedom to play football again whether we like it or not. No matter what any of us think on the matter it's down to Simon. People will do what they decide to do if he does sign. He'll get abuse for a few month and after a while all the feminist and people who've had such a big opinion on the matter with no affiliation to the game will forget they ever felt so passionately about a 3rd division footballer.


I'm more concerned at the media witch hunt towards a 3rd division footballer/club than anything. Baffling really how given everything else going on in the world that they see this as a more pressing issue for the country to be discussing.


Doesn't affect me so much in the sense of going games as ive been saving for a house the last year or so. Which means I have to pick and choose a lot of my games.

Edited by Rocky_Latic
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Quite a few of them are Luke, some who've been going for as long as you and me put together, some a lot younger. I'm not after a tawdry few quid to make me feel better thanks all the same.

And I second that I'd rather burn it.... Some people on here don't seem to get how hard a decision for a long serving fan this is... So let people deal with it in there own manner without making them feel worse.

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What happens if his case is reviewed and they quash the decision.


The case review will take another 35 weeks or more. Following that they may simply uphold the decisions taken (ie. he is guilty of rape and he has no leave to appeal); or they may grant him leave to appeal. As I understand it the review body has no power to try him again and quash his conviction. That would be up to the appeal court.


If they do allow him to appeal then we have to go through that the appeal process. I don't know how many months that would take, but high profile rape cases cannot be rushed. It may be a year or more's time.

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I'm in the buy your ticket camp. I'll donate a fee to charity if you don't want cash. I pay on the day so you'll be hitting the club financially if thats what you're after.


What kind of logic is that, if you buy some ones ticket you will then stop paying on the gate,


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For many years I have brought my young daughter to Latics matches - home and away. She has learned to love the team, to support it on good days and bad. She is a committed Latics fan. But I cannot find it in myself to bring her to watch Mr Evans playing. What would I be saying to her about the way he has treated the victim of this terrible crime, and the way he and his supporters continue to treat her? What would I be saying to her about how I view rape? What would she now think of our "family club"?


No I won't be taking her if he signs for us, and after a lifetime of supporting this club I find that very hard to say. I am feeling very sad; disheartened; sick to the bottom of my stomach.

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For many years I have brought my young daughter to Latics matches - home and away. She has learned to love the team, to support it on good days and bad. She is a committed Latics fan. But I cannot find it in myself to bring her to watch Mr Evans playing. What would I be saying to her about the way he has treated the victim of this terrible crime, and the way he and his supporters continue to treat her? What would I be saying to her about how I view rape? What would she now think of our "family club"?


No I won't be taking her if he signs for us, and after a lifetime of supporting this club I find that very hard to say. I am feeling very sad; disheartened; sick to the bottom of my stomach.

How old is she ? I would imagine its going to be difficult to explain why you aren't going if she is wrong. Its wrong you are in this position to be frank.


Cretins they are...

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The thought of standing on the terraces alongside some of the absolute :censored: who have surfaced since Sunday makes me feel ill so for that reason, but not only that reason, I'm out.

Well said.


It truly is an embarrassing and appalling byproduct of the whole sorry mess.


This is a cluster:censored: of the highest order...

Edited by slystallone
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The thought of standing on the terraces alongside some of the absolute :censored: who have surfaced since Sunday makes me feel ill so for that reason, but not only that reason, I'm out.

I applaud you for that.

So sick that some of the long serving fans not atending will be replaced by some absolute scum, who will be revelling in it. At least they will only attend for a few matches and wither way.


Please note that I am not labelling everyone that agrees with the deal, just some that will make an appearance. Should not have to explain, but need to.

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I'll have it for free then


oafc0000. My view is rape is obviously abhorrent. However we've always signed controversial players in the past. I didn't mind when we signed Hughes and same for Ched if he does come. from a footballing perspective he could prove an absolute bargain so i can understand that part. Even if it didn't work out it'd be cheaper than any alternative striker. Football is a business whether we like to admit it or not. No business in my view should feel backed into a corner about who they can and can't employ. Whether morals come into question or not, governing bodies of the sport have given him the freedom to play football again whether we like it or not. No matter what any of us think on the matter it's down to Simon. People will do what they decide to do if he does sign. He'll get abuse for a few month and after a while all the feminist and people who've had such a big opinion on the matter with no affiliation to the game will forget they ever felt so passionately about a 3rd division footballer.


I'm more concerned at the media witch hunt towards a 3rd division footballer/club than anything. Baffling really how given everything else going on in the world that they see this as a more pressing issue for the country to be discussing.


Doesn't affect me so much in the sense of going games as ive been saving for a house the last year or so. Which means I have to pick and choose a lot of my games.

We have not always signed controversial players. Name 2 other than Lee Hughes and him.

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What happens if his case is reviewed and they quash the decision.

Then cross that bridge then.

I've consistently said that is what he should be concentrating on.

We are being opportunistic. We arearranging losses being underwritten.

It is nothing whatsoever to do with rehabilitition, and entirely an attempt to make a quick buck.

Dirty, filthy money.

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The clubs damaged itself, and anyone boycotting will not have made their decision lightly some of the fans have been going years and years but can't accept this situation.


I'm boycoting but according to some on here I'm not a true fan anyway. First game around1969, season ticket holder for 27 years, majority of those game I had a drive of 60 miles, done all games home and away one season, and still mentally disturbed from the trauma of loosing my origianl orange bobble hat.


My view is that anybody who gets off their backside and goes down to BP and pays their money to watch Latics, and no matter where they sit or wether they sing or wether they've been going for 50 years or 5 weeks, is a true latics fan.

Edited by Witty
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