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Playershare Says Thanks

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Dear all


I know it's been a difficult few days with no end in sight yet. I know some are questioning their support of our club in any form and I know it's not a decision to be made lightly too.


With this in mind, I'd like to stress that playershare funds requests can only be made by the manager of Oldham Athletic and this seasons player is George Elokobi and I can confirm that our commitment to George is fully paid until the end of the season.


I am not posting on here to persuade anyone from cancelling their commitment to the scheme if a certain player signs, but I am posting on here on behalf of the playershare committee to say "thanks" for your support you have given if you do decide to cancel.


Please also feel free to PM if you do have any concerns with regards to playershare or, post in the pinned thread at the top of the screen.


Thanks everyone



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Where's the lad involved in it?

Not having a pop, it's just strikes me as unusual that a regular contributor like him hasn't commented at all on all this :censored:e.

Sorry Harry, do you mean C.Hill? And if you do I don't know why and not privy to knowing why he has not been on OWTB recently.


Just felt personally, I should type on behalf of playershare committee

Edited by underdog
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Thanks chaps for the support


The playershare commitee are not all users of this site, in the main I think it's only myself, lags and C.Hill.


We all work and sometimes don't get on here as often as we can, or in my case, overly excess it on minute, can live without it another. Especially after poor results and I've either kicked the proverbial cat, spat my dummy out or had a glass or two.


Just felt it needed to be said, and I'm sure the other commitee members feel the same but maybe too much in turmoil, got their own personal stuff going on.


Your support is appreciated in any format and that reminds me, I bloody well owe for the pledge for Dec. Damn it.

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Obviously tomorrows announcement could change everything, but looks like I will be cancelling on Friday, thanks for all your work Tracey, hopefully we will meet again, in better times..


Feel like I'm saying goodbye to a lot of good friends that I have met on here....yes met on here and that has widened my inner circle, bloody silly woman I know as you will still be on here...doh!


But yes, I look forward to the day again that you verbally abuse me outside the main stand as I trying to give out flyers for playershare in my self inflatable coat.


In the meantime, if you can chuck some penny's towards the upkeeping of this site, then at least we can verbally give some grief to each other on here instead and I won't feel the loss as much.


Again on behalf of playershare , thank you for your contributions and personal note your contributions allowing me to oggle Big George for part of the season.


Now....formalities over with....let's get back to latics events....lead on

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Thank you all for your support. It is appreciated. I think this is a time we now all need to unite as 1 and maybe playershare is a way to do that.

My apologies i haven't been around since the end of november. I do go through phases where i stay off here for a while for my own sanity but i'm always contactable via email, phone facebook. I'd like to reiterate what underdog says. No request has been made by Lee for any funds and he is the only person who can do that. Also Elokobi's financial commitment is all paid up so any money we have is set for amy further requests.

Thank you all once more!!!

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