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Notice of Trust Oldham AGM meeting

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Hey no worries, that's what we are all here for or can get an answer too...like lookers has posted above too as he can explain better than me too....well I am blond you know.


Years of peroxide dying has killed the old grey matter....by the way is Barry is looking for you? Or has Leeslover, Jorvik and OAFCTom put him off with the ...I'm Spartacus speech...heheh

OAFCTOM sound bloke what happened to him or did he become Harry Bosch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't forget Trust oldham AGM meeting this Monday 22nd June, 7pm in the laticzone at boundary park.


There are five candidates that have logged a interest in joining the trust board, for five places to take the board to its maximum numbers. Co-opted can come on board at any time of the year.


Details of the candidates are on the Trust Oldham website and how to vote by proxy too.

Edited by underdog
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Dear all


There was a brief overview of tonight's AGM meeting and agenda points posted on the trust facebook page if anyone is interested.


It is a medium we have been tying to use to get the message out there quicker to you all.


Tonight's agenda was quite strict on timing and was not specifically a Q and A for fans this time, so apologies if anyone posted a question and it was not answered.


We will be rolling out more fans events, Q and A etc once the new stand is open so watch this space.


Thanks everyone

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Why is there always time constraints at these meetings?

Life is full of time constraints.



It seems to be a recurring theme that the fans Q&A is either a rushed afterthought or on tonights feedback ignored altogether, so much for engaging with the fanbase.

Yet they've been inviting people to meetings regularly for a couple of years or longer.

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I can't weight you Trust lot up - all the pages and pages of Trust related moaning, conspiracy theory and Barry bashing over the years and when there's finally change we have to expose ourselves to Facebook to find out about it :lol:




The NEW Trust Chair is Diane Mellor with the trust representative on the Official Oldham Athletic FC board being Simon Brooke.


Discussion of Trust Aspirations going into the new season and forward. Change of responsibility of the Trust chair. The chair and Official Oldham Athletic FC director position is now to be split.


Election of New directors to Trust Oldham DIane Mellor, Tracy Wright, Andy Roberts, Mark Lund, Will Gough - Welcome to the trust


When is the first time Simon will be meeting with the club and/or attending a board meeting?

Hopefully he can report back with a few nuggets of information (within reason).


Congratulations & good luck to you all.

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Very poor communications again.

Not everyone is part of Facebook - why not a post on here last night ?

What are the Trust's plans for communicating with its members in the future?

Is there a statement of intent from Simon Brooke?

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I'd kind of echo the comments about communication. Perhaps without being so harshly critical, i know it is hard.

OWTB has been the mainstay of communication all things Trust for many a year. I am on Facebook, but don't particularly like it, but would have been handy to know before hand.


Why not stick with a 4 pronged communication.

OWTB, Twitter, Facebook and the Trust website.

I suggest most things can be copy and pasted. I'd imagine the Trust website is the harder of the 4 to update.

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I'm starting to feel like we are damned of we do, damned if we don't.....


We are all volunteers hence the rally call for more of us to join up to help us manage things like new technologies etc


There is a trust oldham web page, everything is posted on there to start with and with notice too. Also if you wanted to post a question.


Facebook seemed easier to post things immediate when at meetings. Last night notes was a quick overview of the set AGM agenda not a Q and A we had recently and hope to have again soon. Full AGM meetings notes will be published once we all have a moment to type them up and approved.


Official site...we are working with club on how we can work together, presence in all or most of the stands on match days is on the agenda


On owtb too.


Yes communication is the main target for the trust to improve upon this up,and coming season and I think I know the main man for the job who feels he can and was voted in last night. Just need to let him get his feet under the table and I'm confident things will improve as I'm a bit of a techno phobe.


Please bear with us, new team, new start, new season..bloody hell am starting to sound like a footy manager....well at least 10 homes games in minimum.

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Very poor communications again.

Not everyone is part of Facebook - why not a post on here last night ?

What are the Trust's plans for communicating with its members in the future?

Is there a statement of intent from Simon Brooke?

I agree Pete not everyone is, nor uses computer nor reads the local rag... Times change and we need to find all media methods to encompass all..with regard to last night I think when I highlighted where some notes where it was about 9.30pm and I was knackered..hence just a quick reference to the facebook page if anyone just wanted a quick overview of the AGM.


Yes communication is number one, think I have responded with regards to a possible new man for the job,presence in stands on match days, possible newsletters. Statement of intent from Simon...I will ask him, or he may pick it up on here do tba

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I'd kind of echo the comments about communication. Perhaps without being so harshly critical, i know it is hard.

OWTB has been the mainstay of communication all things Trust for many a year. I am on Facebook, but don't particularly like it, but would have been handy to know before hand.


Why not stick with a 4 pronged communication.

OWTB, Twitter, Facebook and the Trust website.

I suggest most things can be copy and pasted. I'd imagine the Trust website is the harder of the 4 to update.

It's a priory singe communication......but I'm conscious to off too many media outlets used that we may miss something. So it's going to take a bit of time for new people to settle in and new ideas to be talked about/approved of

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On the trust oldham webpage today.


The Trust Oldham AGM, held on Monday 22nd June 2015, saw the election and appointment of 5 directors to the board of Trust Oldham and the passing of the accounts for the year 2014.


The new directors are Will Gough, Tracy Wright, Mark Lund and Andy Roberts with Diane Mellor re-voted onto the board having stood down at the end of her previous 3 year tenure.


A huge welcome and congratulations to the newly elected directors as they begin their 3 year tenures.


At the subsequent board meeting Diane Mellor was appointed the new Chair of Trust Oldham, with Simon Brooke appointed the new Trust representative to the OAFC board.


Will Gough and Rick Attwood were appointed Vice Chairs, with Ray Coverley remaining as Secretary and Simon Colebrook remaining as Treasurer/Finance Director. Further members have indicated they wish to be co-opted onto the board.


Thank you to those members that attended and sent proxy votes for the directors standing.


The newly formed board will be confirming a range of activities the Trust have been working on and will be undertaking in 2015/16 season, including a full schedule of events and fundraising campaigns. This is a very exciting time for Trust Oldham with new partnerships in place and the new board having a huge range of skills and experience.


Further announcements and updates will take place over the next week, with minutes of the AGM and board meeting to follow.

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Good to see some fresh meat involved, hope we can start to see some positive and tangible work from those involved - a move to Saturday meetings is something I would like to see.


What is the thinking behind Simon rather than Diane being Trust representative to the OAFC board?

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Reminds me of oasis days when communication was via newsletters and someone wrote a letter to me headed COMPLAINT because his newsletter was almost a week late. Methods of communication may change but the propensity of people to whinge and carp is a constant.


Don't let 'em grind you down

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I agree Pete not everyone is, nor uses computer nor reads the local rag... Times change and we need to find all media methods to encompass all..with regard to last night I think when I highlighted where some notes where it was about 9.30pm and I was knackered..hence just a quick reference to the facebook page if anyone just wanted a quick overview of the AGM.

Yes communication is number one, think I have responded with regards to a possible new man for the job,presence in stands on match days, possible newsletters. Statement of intent from Simon...I will ask him, or he may pick it up on here do tba

Fair enough, thanks for replying

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Good to see some fresh meat involved, hope we can start to see some positive and tangible work from those involved - a move to Saturday meetings is something I would like to see.


What is the thinking behind Simon rather than Diane being Trust representative to the OAFC board?

We'll have a presence in all 3 stands on matchdays plus will be running some events after games. So hopefully that helps a little.


Having taken onboard a lot of feedback (Including from folks on owtb) we took the decision that splitting the chair and board rep role potentially gives more strength (on balance). The chair role has changed focus slightly with the emphasis being on governance and ensuring actions are followed through/trust directors made more accountable.

This also leaves the board representative the space to concentrate on their role.

Each require specific skill sets so makes sense to get the "best" available people to do the roles (we created job descriptions).

Debate either way but on balance we felt it the best route particularly whilst a larger board/activities are bedded in.

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Reminds me of oasis days when communication was via newsletters and someone wrote a letter to me headed COMPLAINT because his newsletter was almost a week late. Methods of communication may change but the propensity of people to whinge and carp is a constant.

Don't let 'em grind you down

Wanna trust role?

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It's a priory singe communication......but I'm conscious to off too many media outlets used that we may miss something. So it's going to take a bit of time for new people to settle in and new ideas to be talked about/approved of

Fair play. It's all to easy to criticise of course. I did not want it to be moany, just suggest what I thought. I can understand, if you decide it's easier for you on Facebook as the Main source. Do what's best for you.
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Fair play. It's all to easy to criticise of course. I did not want it to be moany, just suggest what I thought. I can understand, if you decide it's easier for you on Facebook as the Main source. Do what's best for you.



No worries it is a bit, trial, error and re-assess at the mo until we find the right balance of media.


Like lookers has said, better presence on match days for, pre-post events too in the new stand too. Better engagement with OASIS and exile fans too.



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