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I staggered through the very first one, tried the second one because I couldn't believe it could be that bad again. It was, so I've never bothered since. If the new format thinks it will win me over, not a chance. I'll stick to FL72 and put up with the slightly annoying background music.

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If you didn't know otherwise then you wouldn't know there had been a change today.

Sheridan quite obviously picked a similar team to last week to give them a chance but simply tweeked the formation a little to counteract Hanson.

He really had little time to do otherwise. Let's judge him from next week onwards realistically

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Sheridan quite obviously picked a similar team to last week to give them a chance but simply tweeked the formation a little to counteract Hanson.

He really had little time to do otherwise. Let's judge him from next week onwards realistically

Brilliant. We judge managers after a week now. No wonder we're :censored:ed. 2 managers in 22 years = 3 promotions (2 division championships), 2 FA cup semi finals and a league cup final. 3267 managers in the 21 years since = 2 relegations and one pending.

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Brilliant. We judge managers after a week now. No wonder we're :censored:ed. 2 managers in 22 years = 3 promotions (2 division championships), 2 FA cup semi finals and a league cup final. 3267 managers in the 21 years since = 2 relegations and one pending.

Harsh. You've misinterpreted what he said. He wasn't saying judging after a week, he was replying saying it was too harsh to judge any change in tactics/personnel after 2 days. I hope you don't go saying it he future people are writing Sheridan off after a week, that is not what he was saying at all. I wouldn't have used the word judge though.
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David Dunn got a raw deal according to the show. The pair of pricks bigging him up, Morrison and grey didn't pay to watch his drivel.

Ignoring the personal jibes, they talked about him being asked to do something he didn't want to do with the coaching staff. He refused and stood by them. Sounds like it could have been the Dickov situation and they wanted rid of Holden and Brown.
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Brilliant. We judge managers after a week now. No wonder we're :censored:ed. 2 managers in 22 years = 3 promotions (2 division championships), 2 FA cup semi finals and a league cup final. 3267 managers in the 21 years since = 2 relegations and one pending.[/q


Judge after a week? I pointed out earlier in the week that many had judged him before we had kicked a ball under him....our problems were solved!

As I said then let's be realistic about our situation and let's be realistic about what it is realistic to expect the new manager to achieve

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Ignoring the personal jibes, they talked about him being asked to do something he didn't want to do with the coaching staff. He refused and stood by them. Sounds like it could have been the Dickov situation and they wanted rid of Holden and Brown.

Thats how I understood it.

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Brilliant. We judge managers after a week now. No wonder we're :censored:ed. 2 managers in 22 years = 3 promotions (2 division championships), 2 FA cup semi finals and a league cup final. 3267 managers in the 21 years since = 2 relegations and one pending.

I trust by your lack of understanding that you had a good night on the pop?


Thats how I understood it.

I think that moves were taking place for a couple of weeks to 'encourage' Dunn to resign

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