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New Manager Thread [Mergomatic Active]

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So according to this, Evans hasn't personally spoken to us. His advisors possibly have but he's still a way off getting involved. He's not sure he'll be anywhere by the start of the season!

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So according to this, Evans hasn't personally spoken to us. His advisors possibly have but he's still a way off getting involved. He's not sure he'll be anywhere by the start of the season!

WHAT!!! You mean he wasn't interveiwed at Ryder & Dutton in Royton and introduced to staff as the new manager at 4pm on Tuesday!
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So according to this, Evans hasn't personally spoken to us. His advisors possibly have but he's still a way off getting involved. He's not sure he'll be anywhere by the start of the season!

So, he hasn't even spoken to any clubs yet because his advisors are doing all the talking with two clubs. Despite those talks it's early days and Evans isn't even sure if he'll be a manager come the start of next season.


Doesn't sound like someone who signed a contract this week with us and met some of our backroom team. Even that's been backtracked with suggestion Corneys back over the weekend and it'll now be Monday.


Those posters claiming to be 'in the know' do make me chuckle. Sitting at their PC composing a fictitious backstory; deluding themselves that it's 100% genuine whilst adding layer upon layer of extra detail to embellish their scoop with the vain hope of authenticity. Whilst it makes me chuckle, it does worry me that they're still carrying on their pretence even tonight when Evans has more or less debunked the notion that he's already signed up with us to a two-year deal.


We're more likely to see Ched Evans here rather than Steve...in fact, our chances are more probable in signing Pat or Barry

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Those posters claiming to be 'in the know' do make me chuckle. Sitting at their PC composing a fictitious backstory; deluding themselves that it's 100% genuine whilst adding layer upon layer of extra detail to embellish their scoop with the vain hope of authenticity. Whilst it makes me chuckle, it does worry me that they're still carrying on their pretence even tonight when Evans has more or less debunked the notion that he's already signed up with us to a two-year deal.



In the words of Bunk from The Wire.


"The bigger the lie, the more they believe."

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Attention seeking...pretend they're in the know, throw enough stuff out there and some of its bound to end up being right but generally chatting :censored: and deserve to meet up with Jamie Vardy.


Re Evans, listened to the interview and he's very non committal which is to be expected if his "advisors" are currently negotiating a nice wage for him. He also mentioned the budget which made me think he could be insisting on a budget to match his ambitions which are presumably to get promoted. All very promising for us...presuming he's coming to us.


If it isn't him then God help us, this isn't a job for a rookie manager anymore, we need 15+ players in a very short space of time!

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Evans won't be coming to us. We wouldn't be able to meet his wage or budget demands unless something miraculous happens regarding position on our ownership and injection of funds.


You sign someone like him or Dowie and both would want a fighting chance of promotion because it's their career on the line for the opportunity to manage a Leeds, a Derby or similar.


Our managerial targets are those who are ambitious but at a different level with more an affinity to the club or a step up in responsibility to where they are now i.e. Bunn, Philliskirk, Adams.


Evans was thrown in possibly off the back of an enquiry from our board that gathered pace in the rumour mills and bull:censored: pools of social media. Surprised it's maintained that momentum with some local journos prompting a 'more to it than just rumour' and this has fanned the flames further.


There's been backtracking on the bold claims that Evans signed last Tuesday with suggestion an announcement won't happen until Corney is back from the US. Isn't Joy adequately positioned to negotiate, recruit and announce our next manager? I thought a CEO was the head of the hierarchy with a Chairman effectively a figurehead who is wheeled out for sound bites and column inches.


The speculation and 'if it's him then it means money has been thrown' was great whilst it lasted; giving us a small tweak of positivity, ambition and general good feeling in between Euro2016 matches. An announcement must surely be imminent as its a week more or less after the preferred start date of June 13th. Other clubs are busily preparing for next season - we're selling off the team pushing us further and further back. Yes there are two months but those will fly by!

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Isn't Joy adequately positioned to negotiate, recruit and announce our next manager? I thought a CEO was the head of the hierarchy with a Chairman effectively a figurehead who is wheeled out for sound bites and column inches.


Not where the chairman is the one controlling the funding. I am sure Corney makes all of the decisions except those he chooses to delegate.

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