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Corney syndicate buying Roughyeds?

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Has anybody got any reliable information on the speculation that Corney in conjunction with Sinfield and Barry MacDermott is taking over the roughyeds?


Was just about to post same. Lot of rumours flying round the yeds ATM Corney was asked about the availability of boundary park and did he want to get involved.

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Why would he want to invest in Roughyeds if he wants out of Latics?


And where's he finding the money from if our budget is always going down and he's just spent a fortune on a new stand?

It's a consortium, so presumably he's just the business face? Well-known in the area and balances the books at Latics... (Well, apart from the debt to TTA)

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Wheres this come from? Is it another wind up or has it actually got legs?

My brother. Perfectly respectable57 year old member of society. He is not impressionable nor naive . He was told this and text me re this and my dad's brick in new stand. Definitely not a wind up but that does not mean it is true. Hence I ask the question not make a statement

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It actually makes a lot of sense to me.


The asking price would be naff all. There's income potential from the stand.


Investment in longer lasting turf will be the main additional expense.

So are we thinking of raising enough income from the new Stand to keep two Clubs going with a view to them both playing in their respective top flight eventually?

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I do remember an interview with Kevin Sinfield a few years ago that asked what he would do if he won the lottery. Half each to Latics & Roughyeds was the answer. Presume he lives in the area as his kids play at Saddleworth Rangers

Yes he does
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There are probably only two people that I have met in my life that have really really pissed me off. One is G. Sharp who owes me an FA Cup final, the other is Hamilton who owes me 600 quid. Both still make my blood boil.


Now is the time to ask for the money.

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