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Winding up Order OAFC2004

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It may be that the reason for all the delays with completing sales, signing manager and players etc is waiting for the winding up petition to be formally dismissed today.

I think that the club's bank accounts could have been frozen upon issue of the petition, in which case they wouldn't be able to send/receive money until sorted.

That is not how a disputed Winding up petition works.

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That is not how a disputed Winding up petition works.

Did they dispute it though ? I thought they just settled the debt and requested the petition be dismissed?

You'll correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought a petition could only be disputed on the basis that you dispute that all or some of the money is owed. Tough to make that argument against a debt owed to HMRC, calculated using figures you supplied them with.

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Did they dispute it though ? I thought they just settled the debt and requested the petition be dismissed?

You'll correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought a petition could only be disputed on the basis that you dispute that all or some of the money is owed. Tough to make that argument against a debt owed to HMRC, calculated using figures you supplied them with.

You say a lot that is correct. I have just checked and regarding the situation where the bank gets involved there is a little more to it than I thought.

I have, many years ago, issued 1 WUP and the Company bankers did get involved but I thought that it was because the defendant didnt act correctly & quickly.

My legal advisers speedily saw their arse and left it to me to go to Court where I got a right bollicking from the lady judge but their case for dismissal was refused and the Company went into Liquidation. I got paid and got the Court fees etc back.

My Solicitors came out of hiding and increased and increased their costs and came out of it with 10 times the value of my claim (from the Liquidator.)

Your point regarding the Company bankers might be relevant to some degree!

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As somebody who worked for the Inland Revenue and then sadly for HMRC from whom I sought and fortunately obtained early retirement I should like to point out that they do often make mistakes.


Anyone that has had to deal with them over the last ten years will have noticed an increasing level of incompetence. My wife underpaid when she retired, PAYE can not cope with retirements, and was delighted when they asked for the tax underpaid in one lump sum but she promptly paid this in full. This didn't stop them asking for the money again and even threatening bailiffs. All sorted by our phone calls and letters or so we thought until they coded out the underpayment this year seeking to 'recover' the money from her pension. It isn't just that the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing - the right hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.


Our club is no doubt having difficulties with cash flow and will be paying bills and tax as late as possible but HMRC is clearly wasting both the court and the clubs time - buffoons!

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And in the meantime whilst they waste their efforts on little old oldham they stand by and watch the big boys of this world like Starbucks , Amazon etc put the 2 fingers up before they let them decide how much tax they want to pay !!!!!!!!!!!!


Same in all walks of life , one law for the rich and one for the poor.

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And in the meantime whilst they waste their efforts on little old oldham they stand by and watch the big boys of this world like Starbucks , Amazon etc put the 2 fingers up before they let them decide how much tax they want to pay !!!!!!!!!!!!


Same in all walks of life , one law for the rich and one for the poor.

When you are paying some staff £100k salaries it's a struggle to accept the word poor.

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The problem is that these companies or individuals are probably not breaking the law.

Governments have made the tax system so complicated that there are always loopholes for them to avoid paying it.


I don't know why it should be so complicated -


2 simple rules only need apply -

1/ Where was the money earned , if UK then -

2/ Earn over X and you pay Y in tax.

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Does anybody on here actually not think that Messrs Corney, Blitz and Gazal do not have off shore accounts, and juggle tax affairs between the USA and UK regimes as well?

I would be thinking no one on here knows them well enough. So it's possible.


I lawfully guggled my tax affairs on accountants advice during my working life.

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The problem is that these companies or individuals are probably not breaking the law.

Governments have made the tax system so complicated that there are always loopholes for them to avoid paying it.


I don't know why it should be so complicated -


2 simple rules only need apply -

1/ Where was the money earned , if UK then -

2/ Earn over X and you pay Y in tax.

Trouble is that system you suggest above currently exists, and people in my profession with a much better understanding of the tax system than me can outmanoeuvre the government and the tax legislation.

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Trouble is that system you suggest above currently exists, and people in my profession with a much better understanding of the tax system than me can outmanoeuvre the government and the tax legislation.

Indeed. The chap who did research into Trust issues in the Barry era is firmly in favour of abolishing the tax codes (especially EU ones but also UK) on the basis of the enormous inefficiency they cause, but personally in favour as he earns very good money through understanding the rules much better than the people who are meant to be enforcing them. He would be out of a job if there were simple rules.
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