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Bolton (A)

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I thought Green was awful today as was Fane. Burgess shocking and McKay is just dog :censored: every week.


Only players to come out with any credit were Ripley, Clarke with Flynn and Winchester to a lesser extent.


Green covered for a lot of Fane's errors imo and kept things ticking over in the middle. Quality of the final ball from him wasn't great though.


I might've missed an obvious error from him but I didn't see Burgess do a lot wrong. His passing wasn't great but he did alright at the back.

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7 league goals..the manager and his coach look as clueless as the players.

I fear a hammering on Tuesday and we know what SC does when fans are on his back,he sacks managers, and despite all his talk of sticking with Robinson he may revert to form.

I'm not sure we will sack him. I hope we don't. He is of a caliber of football man we won't really get if he goes. The Steve Evans saga shows this. I think we are in for a rough ride unless we get a kick on before Christmas.

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I suppose the manager will call that some improvement if 4 turned in good performances rather than 2 as against Swindon.

I've been dissapointed in Burgess, Charles Dunne looks as though he could play centre back.


Tony G is in the house.....


Fanny and Freddie Lapdog are non League players who need time to adjust, if they're capable of adjusting.


It's all very dull, again. We need another defender, playmaker, left winger and goalscorer. Too many below average players in the squad.

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Maybe they were scared by the crowd.

If that were the case they shouldn't be professional footballers.



Mainly UK, especially south-east England. (v) To use information (true or fictional) to provoke, tease or deceive. (v) To invent with the intent of conning. (n)A deceptive or provocative act. A "Wind-up merchant" is somebody who is disposed to wind others up, a habitual liar, or prankster. Origin: from the act of winding a clock or other clockwork device.

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Mainly UK, especially south-east England. (v) To use information (true or fictional) to provoke, tease or deceive. (v) To invent with the intent of conning. (n)A deceptive or provocative act. A "Wind-up merchant" is somebody who is disposed to wind others up, a habitual liar, or prankster. Origin: from the act of winding a clock or other clockwork device.



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Well. Just back. Two sitters missed. You can't do that. Erwin scores to make it 1-1 and the least we get is a point. We were in the ascendancy at that point. Amoebi was offside for their second by the way, according to a Bolton fan of mine who was able to see.

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Sometimes opposing teams have better players than you. It happens...it happened today. It will happen on several more occasions this season. The key is to win those games in which we are able to compete more than we could today

Common sense has no place on here or Twitter.

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Sometimes opposing teams have better players than you. It happens...it happened today. It will happen on several more occasions this season. The key is to win those games in which we are able to compete more than we could today

I admire your optimism - which games might those be?

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Lost it in the middle of the park today, Green had his worst game I've seen in an Oldham shirt today as well as Fane, Winchester was slightly better and showed a new found desire, full backs were poor and Reckord didn't even feel the need to track his man back at times which was shocking, we simply don't have the quality at the moment, their No 8 bossed the game really and too many of ours were a yard off the pace today and at our level that's going to get you beat.

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Guest nonaenever

Bolton were quicker than us, bigger than us, fitter than us, more physical than us and better than us.


Personally, thought we were poor and Bolton won at a canter.


Our esteemed manager, however, on Radio Manchester after the game said something like "we controlled 60% of the game" (!). The man is deluded - he also said it was not a foul for the free kick leading to their first (it was - saw it as plain as day - and a stupid foul to give away).


He persists with his favourite (McKay) - yawn - and we look so slow it's unbelievable. Winchester came out with credit - maybe one or two others but generally that was as flat as a pancake - and an insult to the fantastic travelling support. We're going down.

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Mainly UK, especially south-east England. (v) To use information (true or fictional) to provoke, tease or deceive. (v) To invent with the intent of conning. (n)A deceptive or provocative act. A "Wind-up merchant" is somebody who is disposed to wind others up, a habitual liar, or prankster. Origin: from the act of winding a clock or other clockwork device.

Can you dispute some were definitely scared of the crowd against Swindon?

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Today represents the legacy of the awful Summer that the club had. Can't afford to pay decent wages,left it too late to recruit a manager and were left with everyone's cast offs. With the exception of Clarke and Ripley that is how over the last 2 months we have played. Most have shown flashes of being good,but generally they are a team of everyone else's cast offs.


It is a remote possibility that we can unearth a striker, midfield player or whoever in January to save our season. We are lightweight and I can't think of how we can avoid the drop.

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Bolton were quicker than us, bigger than us, fitter than us, more physical than us and better than us.


Personally, thought we were poor and Bolton won at a canter.


Our esteemed manager, however, on Radio Manchester after the game said something like "we controlled 60% of the game" (!). The man is deluded - he also said it was not a foul for the free kick leading to their first (it was - saw it as plain as day - and a stupid foul to give away).


He persists with his favourite (McKay) - yawn - and we look so slow it's unbelievable. Winchester came out with credit - maybe one or two others but generally that was as flat as a pancake - and an insult to the fantastic travelling support. We're going down.

Has anyone told the manager his excuses don't wash,the lack of goals will mean relegation?

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