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Lincoln - FA Cup

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Having watched us properly for the first time now I'm not too far away from my opinion on the squad a few weeks ago:

Burgess - we don't have the luxury of Clarke mentoring another club's youngster. Out. Gerrard in and Edmonson back if not being sold.

Left back - we don't have a 1st choice left back. As Dunne is the only one that can go this window he needs replacing with a 1st choice.

Dummigan - I hope last night was a one off because he had a very poor game.

Green - just doesn't look fit to me. Slow and poor in possession.

Banks - occasional good play. Soft as :censored:. Can't play in a midfield 2. Maybe ok if 2 midfielders in behind him.

Winchester - bottled it last night. He's capable of more but just looked frightened. Weak in possession and no confidence to take people on.

Strikers - Ladapo doesn't have it. Don't renew. Please. Erwin - looks to have ability but not capable of leading the line. May do well playing off a proper striker. McKay - different type of player to Erwin but similar review. Looks like he has something but needs the right partner.


Positives - McLoughlin and Croft. Both looked to create, just a shame no one looked much like wanting to have chances created for them.


Summary - we need to lose all our short term contracted players including the loans. With the exception of Croft. We need to recall all our young players and put them in the team or on the bench if we need numbers. We need to sign Gerrard, a left back and a proper striker. Matt Smith was mentioned and he'd be perfect but I'd put our chances of getting him somewhere between zero and :censored: all.


Unless we have money for a creative midfielder too I'd change formation:

Back 4

Green and Fane

McLoughlin Banks/Winchester Flynn/Erwin/Croft

New striker.

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Lincoln fan in peace.


Absolutely Gobsmacked at how poor you were last night. Always had a soft spot for OAFC (you guys have the best pies in the country :) ).


Hope you can get the club sorted but it seems that your boss is utterly clueless.

We were :censored:e. Blame has to go on the players last night though.

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Ripley - doesn't need rating

Reckord - comically bad. think we all knew a lad released by Ross County was never gonna cut the mustard. he's worse than I even imagined he could be...

Burgess - can he be classed as a footballer? been part of a reasonably solid defence but don't think I've ever seen him play well as such. said he hadn't been the source of our problems so far, but he badly was last night...

Clarke - our biggest goal threat again. struggled on this occasion but consistently our rock

Dummigan - shocking last night, and positionally has struggled recently. full of promise however, and coached right can be a good player


Mclaughlin - direct at least. nowhere near the worst. there's clearly a good player there, and somebody I look forward to watching once we get a decent striker in

Banks - didn't think he was terrible but did nothing of note. think that's what his role is meant to be, tbh

Green - defended him for a while but starting to think that start of season form was the exception. potentially past it, but our options are so limited we have no choice but to play him

Winchester - terrible pass for a lad who virtually never loses the ball. had a chance to shine last night against cloggers but failed once again. time ticking...


Ladapo - the Ali Dia of the team. how he is getting a game in professional football is beyond me. he'd get 0/10 last night and most weeks before

Erwin - talented player who just isn't a striker. troubles the keeper or the woodwork most games but can't score. I'd call it bad luck but can understand the frustration


Mckay - only scores in the cup. think his level is clearly below the one we currently ply our trade at. hope a league goal will get him going but it's unlikely twenty games in

Croft - does a job off the bench but is it worth having a player who can't start a game of football for whatever reason?


Robinson - took a job he now probably regrets. badly let down by his appalling strike force, who I'm sure we will thankfully see disbanded in January. I'm happy to give him 'til then, such is the poverty of that part of our team and the catastrophic effects it's had on our results so far

Edited by NewBlue
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Guest nonaenever

Lincoln fan in peace.


Absolutely Gobsmacked at how poor you were last night. Always had a soft spot for OAFC (you guys have the best pies in the country :) ).


Hope you can get the club sorted but it seems that your boss is utterly clueless.


Come on - to be fair the manager only had 2 weeks to prepare for last night, with a virtually fully fit squad and plenty of time to have studied you and get his tactics and team formation right!


TBH I think anyone with a modicum of footballing sense could have done a better job than our manager last night - he's appalling and has to go - just has to. I know we don't like managerial merry go rounds but the man is incapable.

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We were :censored:e. Blame has to go on the players last night though.


True, but then how many times did Rhead get the ball ahead of your defenders? that's organisation and doing the work prior to the game.


Rhead gets an unfair press, but at that level, there is no one better as that old fashioned centre forward.

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Come on - to be fair the manager only had 2 weeks to prepare for last night, with a virtually fully fit squad and plenty of time to have studied you and get his tactics and team formation right!


TBH I think anyone with a modicum of footballing sense could have done a better job than our manager last night - he's appalling and has to go - just has to. I know we don't like managerial merry go rounds but the man is incapable.


:) I think I just said the same thing! If you can block Rhead - and these days are winger Arnold - you stop us from playing.


I really hope we don't meet again next year (as in you guys stay up and we go up.)

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True, but then how many times did Rhead get the ball ahead of your defenders? that's organisation and doing the work prior to the game.


Rhead gets an unfair press, but at that level, there is no one better as that old fashioned centre forward.


Who was lad you had on the wing last night? found a Lincoln man every single time. Made intelligent runs away from from the big striker so was never in his way and his movement helped for your first goal. He was a constant threat to Oldham all night...


Reckord? Reckford is it? :censored::censored: :censored: :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored:

Edited by palmer1
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Guest nonaenever

Reckord must never wear an Oldham shirt again - and you can add Burgess, Ladapo, Green and Erwin to that list for me. Erwin was anonymous for most of the game - and somebody said was more concerned keeping his hands warm or something by making some gloves! (didn't see that but someone said it was shown on telly) - too many "softies" in our side - we are going down unless we have some immediate changes - seriously, burst the bank to get Sheridan back!

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Reckord must never wear an Oldham shirt again - and you can add Burgess, Ladapo, Green and Erwin to that list for me. Erwin was anonymous for most of the game - and somebody said was more concerned keeping his hands warm or something by making some gloves! (didn't see that but someone said it was shown on telly) - too many "softies" in our side - we are going down unless we have some immediate changes - seriously, burst the bank to get Sheridan back!


Reckord and Ladapo are by a distance the worst two of your list. That's not to praise the others too much, they're not so bad as to not deserve to wear the shirt again, that's for sure...

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If you are going to sack Robinson it has to be now, new manager has time to access the squad before the transfer windows opens, assuming our transfer embargo has been lifted?


What is currently happening was inevitable after the catalogue of mistakes by Corney combined with under investment with the club being run like we already in administration.

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If you are going to sack Robinson it has to be now, new manager has time to access the squad before the transfer windows opens, assuming our transfer embargo has been lifted?


What is currently happening was inevitable after the catalogue of mistakes by Corney combined with under investment with the club being run like we already in administration.

What decent manager in his right mind would manage us now though, with the decrepit state we are in?

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Lincoln fan in peace.


Absolutely Gobsmacked at how poor you were last night. Always had a soft spot for OAFC (you guys have the best pies in the country :) ).


Hope you can get the club sorted but it seems that your boss is utterly clueless.

Genuine question does it worry you how bad we was and still could have drew level in the end? Good luck in the next round

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Reckord and Ladapo are by a distance the worst two of your list. That's not to praise the others too much, they're not so bad as to not deserve to wear the shirt again, that's for sure...


Don't get me wrong I don't rate ladapo but he looked more a threat than Erwin last night and should of scored. So may be that tells a story in its self. I'd of took Erwin of 1st

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Don't get me wrong I don't rate ladapo but he looked more a threat than Erwin last night and should of scored. So may be that tells a story in its self. I'd of took Erwin of 1st

Threat to what?


Erwin isn't a striker. I think that's blatantly obvious. At least he forced a save from the keeper...

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Back of the Chron - "Some players won't play for me again"


Who's that, then? Reckord, Winch, Ladapo and Burgess probably prime suspects.

What a way to boost confidence while you have got them until January.

The manager looked to have lost control of the players in his after match interview and if you lose the dressing room it's a bad sign.

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