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Brexit Negotiations


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On 4/8/2019 at 7:50 AM, Matt said:


The people's will was overwhelmingly in favour of apathy or at least the status quo. As it has been for some time.


During one of Tusk's outspoken tirades, somebody at work asked my who elects Donald Tusk. I said, we did; those European Elections that hardly anybody could be arsed to vote in, elect members of a European Parliament who in turn vote for a President.


I'm not sure that person ever voted in the European Elections, I'm guessing not.



That's Antonio Tajani (President of EU Parliament), the Commission President also goes to the largest political group in the Parliament. Tusk is President of the Council, appointed by heads of state/government (after France and Germany decide). There are two others, it's easy to mix them up...

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Anyone still thinking this is a good idea?

Maybe if we'd recovered from the global economic contraction of 2007 onwards then our economy and nation may have been in a better position to enact the ideological cause of exiting the EU? The global economic conditions we find ourselves in in 2019 are still not (in my view) the most ideal for going out on our own, China is contracting, the US is bouncing from one Trump announcement to another and Europe is also seeing contractions.


As a nation we are not prepared for exiting, the plans appear holed below the waterline and that's not just the non-existent ferries! Look what happened when KFC switched their supply chain, multiply that several times and it is an indicator of our operational readiness and we now have our governing party taking several months to crown Boris.  Fast forward to his first trip to Brussels, they've gone balls deep on not re-opening the negotiations, we may see a little bit of movement but nothing close to the changes Boris will 'demand' so we'll have August to October to prepare for exiting with no arrangements or transition period. I wouldn't trust this lot to run a bath in 3 months let alone something a bit more complex. Once we're over the 31st October the real fun starts as we try to negotiate stuff with other nations. 


What's our negotiating position with the EU once we don't even have the threat of No Deal? They will insist on movement on the £39billion we owe to the EU to cover our existing commitments to our exit date that Boris has already said he's not going to pay before leaving, citizens rights...yadda yadda, are we going to withhold Cheddar Cheese from being sold abroad? Melton Mowbray pies? OK, South Korea have said they will rollover the current deal we had as dent of being in the EU but even Stevie Wonder can see that is linked to the situation with North Korea, they know we're daft enough to sail our planeless aircraft carriers and destroyers over there in return for keeping Samsungs the same price.


Even the arch-brexiters in the Tory leadership campaign have dropped from "No downsides" "Easiest deal ever" and "Sunlit uplands" to "There will be some losers" and "job losses". We were sold a pup and now three years later it's grown into a full size hound producing piles of shit each and every day.


Whether Honda, Ford, Dyson and British Steel..etc..etc.. were or were not related to Brexit is irrelevant, the jobs are going and there are no plans to replace them. Our economy is going to be smaller going into the negotiations with other countries and corporations post brexit, our starting position is fundamentally weaker and British exceptionalism isn't going to save us.


You may still passionately think Brexit is a good idea but it isn't happening in a vacuum and the outlook globally isn't great. We may be sawing off the ankle that was chained to the EU for perceived freedom but we'll be down a foot ever after.

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Whatever the pros/cons of the original concept, it's being presided over by a bunch of dim-witted, self-serving cunts.  All claiming to be speaking for the man in the street while sitting in their fucking ivory towers with gold plated lifts, all personally insulated from the economic shit show cliff they're trying to drive us over.  They'll run a mile when faced with reality of delivering it, and the poorest in the country will be paying the price for years.

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8 minutes ago, GlossopLatic said:


No we elect  mps to make decisions on the country not allowing them to do their job is undemocratic infavt its what dictators do.


We also elect MP’s to represent their constituents will and to follow, as close as they can, their manifesto do we not? 

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3 minutes ago, kowenicki said:


We also elect MP’s to represent their constituents will and to follow, as close as they can, their manifesto do we not? 


Yes and the fact that their is not a consensus for anything right now tells you that the country is split on what to do. 


Which will lead to another general election.


Anyway back to Burys problems.

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3 minutes ago, Bobledgersheart said:

We do and I'd guess the majority of the population are against a no-deal Brexit, as are MPs.

Which is weird, as you say the majority including MP's are against no deal, but its what we will get. 

Revolution is the solution we ought to realise. 

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12 minutes ago, Bobledgersheart said:

We do and I'd guess the majority of the population are against a no-deal Brexit, as are MPs.


Speaking as someone who voted to remain... yes, you are guessing. 


MP’s..fuck ‘em.  Shittest bunch of wasters we’ve ever had to endure. 


We are where here we are due to incompetents trying to stop Brexit at all cost.  It’s ironic that it is their actions that have made no deal more likely.  


Back to Bury... fuck ‘em too. 



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4 minutes ago, kowenicki said:


Speaking as someone who voted to remain... yes, you are guessing. 


MP’s..fuck ‘em.  Shittest bunch of wasters we’ve ever had to endure. 


We are where here we are due to incompetents trying to stop Brexit at all cost.  It’s ironic that it is their actions that have made no deal more likely.  


Back to Bury... fuck ‘em too. 



All the polls indicate the majority are opposed to a no deal Brexit. We are where we are because fuck wits allowed a referendum with no plan of how to implement one of the possible outcomes. 

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2 minutes ago, Magic Mikey said:

All the polls indicate the majority are opposed to a no deal Brexit. We are where we are because fuck wits allowed a referendum with no plan of how to implement one of the possible outcomes. 


Polls.... useless. 

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19 minutes ago, Bobledgersheart said:

We do and I'd guess the majority of the population are against a no-deal Brexit, as are MPs.

Wanting no deal and accepting it was always part of the equation are not the same thing. I think the majority don’t want it, but accept it. 


I can’t remember the ballot paper saying.


If you vote leave, and it’s to hard, or we as MP’s can’t agree you’ll have to vote again, or we’ll probably have to fuck it off and just stay. 


Your vote matters! 🙄

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