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Takeover / New Investment - What Rumours Have You Heard?

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11 minutes ago, jorvik_latic said:


Simon Brooke has been actively contacting Corney to get answers on the investment (amongst other things as part of his unpaid directorship of the club). Is that clear enough for you? 

That'll do. You should write the next impotent statement. 

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1 hour ago, Clifford said:


So the trust have actually asked the question and been ignored? That is news it's just you've said Simon is always trying to ask Corney what's going on. If I text you, email you or directly ask you a question I have asked you a question I am not trying to ask you. 


I'll presume he has made direct contact with Corney rather than hoping to bump into him.



It's not news, it was already known.

a) Underdog reported this, off her own back and in a personal capacity

b ) the Trust issued a statement saying the same

c) It was in the Chron(before it's sad demise)

d) the uneasy relationship with Corney & Brooke is also already well known.

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I don't give a fuck how hard someone is trying to get an answer. I don't even care they aren't being answered. I just want a deal to be done that's good for Oldham. Like most fans I don't care if trust members feel a bit left out or if Corney wants to get the best he can and leg it, just so long as we come out stronger.  Some people seem to have an over inflated opinion of their importance and a massively overrated opinion of how most fans view them.  The trust sounds more like a committee of talking and moaning the more I hear. Maybe the 97% owner is tired of it too. 


Let's be real here, the trusts involvement or knowledge of events won't change the outcome one iota. 


If the deal is perceived as poor by the trust.... guess what, it will still be done. If the deal is good... guess what, it will still be done. 


Can someone (from the Trust) tell me what legal powers they have to stop a deal, of whatever colour, if the test of 'fit and proper' is passed?  What are the Trusts options in that case? 

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2 hours ago, Clifford said:

What is the point in the trust if they are not even arsed enough to ask the chairman what is going on with this takeover? How is that representing the views or concerns of the fans? The same fans who paid for the 3% shares.


Having a free ticket and a butty at every home game does come with some responsibility. 


In the current context of the potential deal and their powers to influence the outcome, I think you can stop at word 7 of your post. 

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2 hours ago, rosa said:

Trust directors get a free ticket and a butty at every home game? I'm gonna have fucking murder with Leeslover when I get home.

You'd think with all this clout LL has you'd be able to get some wine in the RRE too!

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58 minutes ago, singe said:

It's not news, it was already known.

a) Underdog reported this, off her own back and in a personal capacity

b ) the Trust issued a statement saying the same

c) It was in the Chron(before it's sad demise)

d) the uneasy relationship with Corney & Brooke is also already well known.

I've not seen a single other post confirming 'our' board rep had directly contacted Corney about the matter. The trusts statement does not state that.

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8 minutes ago, leeslover said:

I am, she isn't. You're determined to make something out of nothing here. Why don't you actually make your point if you have one?


You're on the board at OAFC? Brilliant, what is happening with the takeover? You can PM me if you wish. With you being on the board at OAFC no doubt you'll have directly asked the questions the fans want asking. Thanks. 


My point was it hadn't been made clear there had been direct attempts to speak to Corney to clear things up. Jorvik has kind of convinced me it has.

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1 minute ago, jorvik_latic said:

At the end of the day, we all want what's best for the club. That's what it all boils down to. We're fans and we want success for the club. 


You are a member of the trust I believe? And if you don't like the deal, but the buyer (if there is one) is fit and proper?  What are your options? 

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4 minutes ago, kowenicki said:


You are a member of the trust I believe? And if you don't like the deal, but the buyer (if there is one) is fit and proper?  What are your options? 


Why would there be a problem if they pass FPP? We'd still work with them whilst remaining vigilant. 

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15 minutes ago, Clifford said:


You're on the board at OAFC? Brilliant, what is happening with the takeover? You can PM me if you wish. With you being on the board at OAFC no doubt you'll have directly asked the questions the fans want asking. Thanks. 


My point was it hadn't been made clear there had been direct attempts to speak to Corney to clear things up. Jorvik has kind of convinced me it has.


If I was part of the Trust, I wouldn't be PM-ing you with information, You don't seem that trustworthy with such information. That's not a fact, just a hunch I get about you :chubb:

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1 minute ago, jorvik_latic said:


Why would there be a problem if they pass FPP? We'd still work with them whilst remaining vigilant. 


Exactly my point. If they fail it's no deal. If they pass it's a deal and the trust can't do a thing to stop it even if they hate the buyers and everything they stand for. 


So... in an era of fit and proper... why is it important for you to be aware of the detail of the deal?


Im only assuming you can't stop a deal because you haven't actually confirmed that yet.  It's frustrating keep asking questions and getting no answer isn't it.  ?

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I do love this naive notion that fans can't influence things happening. Even if it is some clarity on situations. Even Corney kneejerked information when it got a bit shit for him last summer and the poorly executed "protest group" made some noises. Then there was the statement over Mr Lee when he blamed Mike Keegan for scuppering a deal and then there was the scoreboard fund statement.


I can only assume some certain folk felt that those fans who boarded the mini-bus to Torex wish they hadn't done (after all, what was the point eh as they can't affect anything?) and Chris Moore had just bumped the club completely :rolleyes:



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2 minutes ago, kowenicki said:


Exactly my point. If they fail it's no deal. If they pass it's a deal and the trust can't do a thing to stop it even if they hate the buyers and everything they stand for. 


So... in an era of fit and proper... why is it important for you to be aware of the detail of the deal?


Im only assuming you can't stop a deal because you haven't actually confirmed that yet.  It's frustrating keep asking questions and getting no answer isn't it.  ?


What if it's a deal that isn't a takeover? The chairman would be making decisions without discussing with the board. That's bad corporate governance. How do we know it's what's best for the club and the fans? If it was so straightforward then why is Corney keeping it from the board?

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4 minutes ago, jorvik_latic said:


What if it's a deal that isn't a takeover? The chairman would be making decisions without discussing with the board. That's bad corporate governance. How do we know it's what's best for the club and the fans? If it was so straightforward then why is Corney keeping it from the board?


Still no answer to my question.  You apparently act for me and others so at least be honest with us and answer the question. 


Please don't just hide behind "corporate governance".  I hear that phrase almost every day in my real life... it irritates me there too. 

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5 minutes ago, jorvik_latic said:


What if it's a deal that isn't a takeover? The chairman would be making decisions without discussing with the board. That's bad corporate governance. How do we know it's what's best for the club and the fans? If it was so straightforward then why is Corney keeping it from the board?


Secondly. What makes you and your colleagues qualified in judging what is and isn't a good deal?  With respect, some trust members posts tell me they have zero business acumen. 

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32 minutes ago, boundaryblue80 said:


If I was part of the Trust, I wouldn't be PM-ing you with information, You don't seem that trustworthy with such information. That's not a fact, just a hunch I get about you :chubb:

I'd shove it straight on here bearing in mind they're supposed to be representing the fans. They know nowt because the trust is useless when we actually need it to represent us.

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26 minutes ago, kowenicki said:


Still no answer to my question.  You apparently act for me and others so at least be honest with us and answer the question. 


Please don't just hide behind "corporate governance".  I hear that phrase almost every day in my real life... it irritates me there too. 


What question? 

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2 minutes ago, jorvik_latic said:


What question? 


You are being obtuse. Ironic. 


I'm not surprised Corney is sick of you. You come across somewhat pompous and officious. 


I have asked a number of times if the trust has any power to prevent a deal. 

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