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Takeover / New Investment - What Rumours Have You Heard?

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2 minutes ago, bozman said:

No chance he'd commit to these foreign player contracts without them having been funded. I'm pretty sure he alluded to a deposit having been received during his video interview. I reckon that will be paying for these signings.


I'm not sure how the FA would view such a thing happening. Sounds a bit third party ownership that.


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23 minutes ago, deyres42 said:

Me no agent.


15 minutes ago, robboman said:

That would seem to be the case, his name has been taken off th sport2jlt.com website


"Barry, Simon here - just checking you did tell Abdallah to take all that stuff off Instagram when we discussed it a few weeks back didn't you...?" 

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1 minute ago, Clifford said:


I'm not sure how the FA would view such a thing happening. Sounds a bit third party ownership that.


In reality, you're probably correct. It is effectively a form of third party ownership.

But they'd be able to present it differently easily enough.

Someone pays a non-refundable deposit to get sight of club accounts etc to conduct due dilligence. They will just lump this in the accounts as income, a proportion of which goes in to the playing budget. It then gets spent on signing random foreign players. Although clearly Abdallah is influencing these signings, he isn't actually the agent of any of these players himself so there isn't a direct connection.

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I really, really want to be positive about this apparent new investment and all these players coming in but I'm afraid the track record in football at all levels is not good and listening to the scores from Leyton Orient' latest trip to a new non league ground is sobering


Do I trust Simon and TTA (they still control our financial wellbeing).?.....I really don't know, especially given the way they have constructed the financial and operational affairs at the club in a very opaque manner.


I've no idea why they couldn't have been more open with the supporters.....share more of the realty of the finances with us and actually show that we can make a difference rather than alienate much of the fan base and leave a vacuum that inevitably gets filled with rumour


I think TTA missed a great opportunity and I am worried that their final act may be to push us into the increasingly murky world of international football agents, consultants and dodgy financial arrangements. The EFL, FA and Premier League have all shown they are as much a part of the problem.


They say you have to move with the times but sometimes new is not better and I don't think OAFC is meant to be an International brand or a half way house for assorted overseas players of dubious provenance 


I hope for the best but think the Trust should be asking tough questions.

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6 minutes ago, Ritchierich said:

I really, really want to be positive about this apparent new investment and all these players coming in but I'm afraid the track record in football at all levels is not good and listening to the scores from Leyton Orient' latest trip to a new non league ground is sobering


Do I trust Simon and TTA (they still control our financial wellbeing).?.....I really don't know, especially given the way they have constructed the financial and operational affairs at the club in a very opaque manner.


I've no idea why they couldn't have been more open with the supporters.....share more of the realty of the finances with us and actually show that we can make a difference rather than alienate much of the fan base and leave a vacuum that inevitably gets filled with rumour


I think TTA missed a great opportunity and I am worried that their final act may be to push us into the increasingly murky world of international football agents, consultants and dodgy financial arrangements. The EFL, FA and Premier League have all shown they are as much a part of the problem.


They say you have to move with the times but sometimes new is not better and I don't think OAFC is meant to be an International brand or a half way house for assorted overseas players of dubious provenance 


I hope for the best but think the Trust should be asking tough questions.



These kind of posts do puzzle me.


The internal financial structures and reality of the financial situation is literally none of our business.  It's a private limited company and I have no doubt whatsoever it has cost our current owners far more than they have made from it.  


Which tough questions should the Trust be asking ?

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1 minute ago, kowenicki said:



These kind of posts do puzzle me.


The internal financial structures and reality of the financial situation is literally none of our business.  It's a private limited company and I have no doubt whatsoever it has cost our current owners far more than they have made from it.  


Which tough questions should the Trust be asking ?


Not sure I agree with you. Football clubs are a unique "business" with a unique relationship with their "customers" so whilst I agree that in normal circumstances the financial situation of a small company is a private matter I think club owners have an opportunity to act differently and engage with the fans in a way that cements the bond between club and supporter.....look what happens when trust goes and the bond breaks


and my comment regarding the Trust is not critical, just hope that they are not carried along by the "excitement" and are doing all they can to understand what the financial construct is going to be and the risks

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4 minutes ago, oafcmetty said:


Without fans, football is nothing.

A point Corney and Co have never understood, as owners of the club they can behave in any way they want as it's their right to do but some fans just won't put up with it and will vote with their feet.

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5 minutes ago, oafcmetty said:


Without fans, football is nothing.

That is true, but without the financial backers...in whatever form...the clubs will not exist.
Either way, no football.

The club does not belong to the fans, however, the fans support the club by choice. Unfortunately for the supporters, the owners of the club have no obligation by law to keep them fully aware of the financial structure/situation. The club could go bust and the supporters may well be the last to know.

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8 minutes ago, Ritchierich said:


Not sure I agree with you. Football clubs are a unique "business" with a unique relationship with their "customers" so whilst I agree that in normal circumstances the financial situation of a small company is a private matter I think club owners have an opportunity to act differently and engage with the fans in a way that cements the bond between club and supporter.....look what happens when trust goes and the bond breaks


and my comment regarding the Trust is not critical, just hope that they are not carried along by the "excitement" and are doing all they can to understand what the financial construct is going to be and the risks


I know your comment wasn't a criticism of the Trust. I am genuinely interested in which tough questions you think they should be asking?

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1 minute ago, kowenicki said:


I know your comment wasn't a criticism of the Trust. I am genuinely interested in which tough questions you think they should be asking?

Probably the same as would be asked of Corney et al, and any buyer.
"Are you going to run the club into the ground and build houses on the land?"

Either way, there is nothing the fans can do, apart from remove their support.


The thing is, the supporters of the club, which has been in League One limbo for so long, are desperate for something...anything to break the repetitive monotony of season after season spent battling relegation and claiming the 16th or 17th spot in the table. Any chink of light at the end of that tunnel is going to be grabbed with open arms by most.

As a supporter you have to ask yourself, do you want entertaining football or success for the club?...both, hopefully.
Success on the pitch obviously brings success in the club's league position and financial health.
They do go hand-in-hand but these days, I believe a financial kick start is a necessary requirement to achieve the beginnings of any kind of success on the pitch.

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13 minutes ago, kowenicki said:


I know your comment wasn't a criticism of the Trust. I am genuinely interested in which tough questions you think they should be asking?


Primarily what the financial construct of the club will be......the big problem with the shady, or misguided  investments and investors in football has been where they provide loans that enable clubs to bring in players on 2-3 year contracts......the club then  has a double obligation....the loan + expensive contracts......we've seen this go pear shaped so many times


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3 minutes ago, latics22 said:

I get your point, but personally I believe in a strange kinda way the club does belong to the fan. Not in assets but in another way

I agree with you...it belongs to the fans in a kind of spiritual sense and, as many have said, current owners are acting custodians as well, with a duty to keep the club in existence. It's a tricky one because, in my heart, I would love to experience those heady days of the Premiership again but I shared those with my young daughters and maybe the nostalgia factor is playing a huge role in this. Would it be the same if the club got there again? I'm not sure, as I think many clubs that do seem to lose their sense of identity and the whole, big, money making machine rolls into town, meaning supporters have to dig deeper into their pockets, as well.


Is success a double-edged sword?

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1 hour ago, Wardie said:

That is true, but without the financial backers...in whatever form...the clubs will not exist.
Either way, no football.

The club does not belong to the fans, however, the fans support the club by choice. Unfortunately for the supporters, the owners of the club have no obligation by law to keep them fully aware of the financial structure/situation. The club could go bust and the supporters may well be the last to know.

I think some are overly nosey bastards tbh. Obviously I don't want us to be screwed over but ultimately I just turn up to watch MY team as often as possible and support it. I don't need to know what the chairman ate for breakfast lunch and dinner. 

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5 hours ago, oafcmetty said:


Without fans, football is nothing.



Without customers your local corner shop is nothing - you still don't have a right to know the ins and outs of their financial dealings. Like it or not Latics is a private company that provides s service to paying customers 

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5 hours ago, Buckshawlatic said:



Without customers your local corner shop is nothing - you still don't have a right to know the ins and outs of their financial dealings. Like it or not Latics is a private company that provides s service to paying customers 

Can we sue them under the trades description act then :chubb:

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7 hours ago, Buckshawlatic said:



Without customers your local corner shop is nothing - you still don't have a right to know the ins and outs of their financial dealings. Like it or not Latics is a private company that provides s service to paying customers 


...if my local corner shop had no milk, eggs or Regina Blitz kitchen roll on the shelves... I'd be off to another corner shop!


The reason football club customers want to know the ins & outs, is the corner shop abuses the fact said customers will not shop anywhere else out of blind loyalty.


it goes both ways.....!

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