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Guest gillianfn

Very funny that Andrew.


You know yesterday? Well I went to the Christie hospital with a very dear friend. What a thoroughly thought provoking and humbling experience. You know exactly why every single person is there - it's not like walking into any old hospital and trying to play "spot the malingerer" - very sad indeed. On the up side, he is doing well which is fabulous.

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You know yesterday? Well I went to the Christie hospital with a very dear friend. What a thoroughly thought provoking and humbling experience. You know exactly why every single person is there - it's not like walking into any old hospital and trying to play "spot the malingerer" - very sad indeed. On the up side, he is doing well which is fabulous.



Very true G, was there just about this time last year.


Glad your chum is doing well, hope he continues to do so too.

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Guest sheridans_world
Very funny that Andrew.


You know yesterday? Well I went to the Christie hospital with a very dear friend. What a thoroughly thought provoking and humbling experience. You know exactly why every single person is there - it's not like walking into any old hospital and trying to play "spot the malingerer" - very sad indeed. On the up side, he is doing well which is fabulous.



I work there. Its good to hear when patients are doing well, sadly it isnt 100% of patients doing well but its getting better. Next time you are in, visit the chapel, there is a notice board up with prayer requests. Brought it home to me...

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Guest gillianfn
I work there. Its good to hear when patients are doing well, sadly it isnt 100% of patients doing well but its getting better. Next time you are in, visit the chapel, there is a notice board up with prayer requests. Brought it home to me...



Thanks for the message you sent earlier Simon.


Yes it puts things into some kind of order doesn't it? Makes my childish rants seem ridiculous at times. Albeit my pal still has childish rants of his own - he hasn't lost his humour, despite the crap time he has had.

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So these mates of ours have bought a new house, she's been after one for ages. All he's been bothered about is gettin a big foff plasma screen telly.


We went round a Friday to check it out, of course he couldn't wait to show me this....













Jammy bugger I thought. Anyway after a few glasses of pop I had to break the seal, being a new house they have a bog downstairs too, "first on the right" he said, but then hastily shouted "noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, the left", but too late I'd already opened the door on the right..........











Edited by StipeTripe
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Guest gillianfn

Very funny that Andrew.


Just thought I'd share this. My big lad is having driving lessons with Kenny Clements. Says he's a real good bloke - not one of these, get em in your car for 57 lessons and 3 million pounds later. His attitude is "get em taught asap and get em out of my bloody car" He's only had 2 2 hour lessons so far and has already told him to get his theory taken - thinks he will only need another 4 or 5 sessions. Mmmm chip off the old block eh? I lost count after 70 lessons. Ridiculous!

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Guest sheridans_world

Interesting way to house a tv. Bet that will cause problems when they come to sell it. Somthing along the lines of 'Its an arch into the dining room, for the dog'

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Cost of trashing wall, having to build a unit to hold the back of the telly, reduction in house value, lost space in 2nd room... etc... -vs- £2,000 for a half decent flat telly??


mmmm.... think they made the wrong call to be honest with you!


OH - and do I win?

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Guest sheridans_world

No Ackey, i beat you this time.


Very dodgey cutting a hole in the wall for it! Looks good in one room! Dont think i would risk it, would rather stick it over in the corner.

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Ackey and Stevie, can you shrink your signature pics a bit please? It messes up the layout for us people with tiny work PC screens <_< .





That really must be a teeny tiny screen or a crap screen resolution.


That better?

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Sorry... its only as wide as the OWTB one at the top... but I'll fix it now.


If you don't like them you can turn them off all together in the options menu in you User Control Panel which is at the top right of the screen.


I do it, I hate the damn things!

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That really must be a teeny tiny screen or a crap screen resolution.


That better?

Not much. It is teeny tiny. It's just that your and Ackey's signatures are longer than anyone's posts, so I have to scroll across from side to side as well as up and down. And it gets on my tits!


Never mind, it's just at work anyway.

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Don't know how many times (mostly on the TV) you hear people saying that they got a black eye from walking into a door. But I know now that you feel a right dick when you do it. Frigging shoe was behind the door, causing door to bounce back into my path as I walked into what I had confidently expected to be clear space. I reckon it's going to bruise up a fair bit, I'm glad I didn't do it over the weekend or I'd be on the suspected football hoolie list at work.


Must make sure I don't fall down the stairs on my way out tomorrow.

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