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It's ok mate, your amongst friends... you can admit she beats you... there is no shame in it! Be strong!

If it's a bird, I blame the owl. :wink:


I also have self-inflicted injuries. Went to my BLT class on Thursday for the first time. And still can't walk. So I just booked me in for this week as well. Sadistic? Perhaps!

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If it's a bird, I blame the owl. :wink:


I also have self-inflicted injuries. Went to my BLT class on Thursday for the first time. And still can't walk. So I just booked me in for this week as well. Sadistic? Perhaps!

It's true, Chaddy Jnr went mad when he caught me nicking a bit of his Fieldmouse Phaal from the fridge. Little bugger has a right temper on him.

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Guest sheridans_world
Went to my BLT class on Thursday for the first time. And still can't walk. So I just booked me in for this week as well. Sadistic? Perhaps!


Bacon Lettuice and Tomatoe Class?

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Guest sheridans_world
Pity its not on saturday, big latics triumph, but if there are any real big uns in the class, big lardie tremble, I should talk :lol:


Better Luck Tommorow Stipe :grin:

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Yes, you have to dial 08705 515 515 to claim your prize.


Quote the Ref: IL/FLW/12-C572392379



Hmmmmmmmmmm I don't have Sky broadband and I simply never buy a ticket for the Dutch lottery :)


Now I should win a prize for being sad enough to look that up !

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Guest sheridans_world
Hmmmmmmmmmm I don't have Sky broadband and I simply never buy a ticket for the Dutch lottery :)


Now I should win a prize for being sad enough to look that up !


Lol, suprised you manage to find the Dutch lottery one, i did change two letters in it!


Google, so brilliant, yet so stupid.

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Guest gillianfn

Morning all.


Not enough ranting going on throughout this thread. So ahem, allow me.


Tescos - shoppers, trolleys and those stupid stupid serve yourself bstard tills.


Shoppers - tell you what, you just stand in front of me when I am trying to reach things from a high shelf, don't worry that I've said excuse me three times - please continue to stand there, blatantly ignoring my presence. As an alternative, stand about 1 and a half inches behind me when I'm queuing at the deli counter and then glare at me when I puncture a hole in your foot with my boots. Why are supermarket shoppers the most backward of cave dwellers?


Trolleys - why oh why do I always get the one with the dodgy wheel? Last night, I ached when I had finished (and I've got no womb you know :grin: ) So I stood on the car park and shoved it as hard as I could, right across into the trolley bay - yes, before you start, that is the reason it is effed in the first place, but it felt good as I did it.


And finally, self service tills. If you do not have the minimum of common sense that it takes to operate them, then leave them the f alone. Go to a till where a member of staff can serve you without you having to use any of your brain cells.


I thank you boys and girls.

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And finally, self service tills. If you do not have the minimum of common sense that it takes to operate them, then leave them the f alone. Go to a till where a member of staff can serve you without you having to use any of your brain cells.

To be fair, those tills are the devil... if you do not do EXACTLY what they expect you to they freak out and stop working until the semi-dead staff member stumbles over and pokes at it for a while.


I don't use carrier bags (my green side) I use either my back pack or a 'bag for life'... now try using one on a do-it-yourself-till and the damn thing freaks out, becuase it uses 'advanced' scanners to make sure that what passes infront of the till also goes into the bagging area... I don't want to use the bagging area... thus a breakdown and the chance of fire coming from the till.


As for people, I've said this elsewhere, they are all - ALL - scum! :)

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Guest sheridans_world

I dont use a trolley or a self service till and a WHAT? counter. Deli???


I do aaaaall my shopping online :D


Well, except shoe shopping...

Edited by sheridans_world
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Guest sheridans_world
I don't do food shopping online 'cos they send you the stuff which will be out of date the soonest!



Stuff goes out of date :shock:

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Guest sheridans_world

If i did go shopping, which i still maintain that i dont, you know what really annoys me would really annoy me?




They go shopping on Saturday morning when they have all week to!!!


Grrr :mad:

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Guest gillianfn
Mmmm the shopping rant didnt last for long.

Explain what equals mc2 and why??



Mmm, yes, someone please tell me the square root of fck all, if you don't mind.


And for the avoidance of doubt, I could making a living out of ranting. It isn't just restricted to shopping, it can be directed at all manner of things, motorists, banks, doctors, dentists, small children, big children, religion, telephones, animals, in fact, you name it, I could have a rant about it. Give me any subject you like - I will have either a rant or a story to tell.

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